καιρός (KAIROS II)

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Second part

Jay laid there in the bed staring at the ceiling. Inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly.
His head was a mess and not only because he hit it during the accident.
He was fucking exhausted, after arguing with Will for what felt like hours.

He didn't want to be put in a hospital bed "just to be safe". He wanted to see Hailey, he wanted to know how she was doing. See those beautiful eyes and hear her sweet voice.
Will finally gave up, not before making him swear that as soon as he felt something was off, even just a little dizziness he would be alerted.
Will knew what his brother was going through, it had happened to him too.

Jay didn't care that his brother could see silent tears falling down his cheeks while looking at her. He couldn't care any less, while images of a hurt Hailey were flashing in his mind. The possibility of living in a world without her scared him to death, made his heart clench.

She was hit pretty badly, given that the truck was hit from her side. Will had told him she needed to rest, that she had head trauma and that those hours would be fundamental to see wether she would wake up or not.

Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.

He couldn't lose her now, not like this. Not when their last words have been a fight. He has already gone through that, with his dad, and he knew his heart would not, could not, bear it again.


Eight hours have gone by now, Will kept coming and going, checking on Hailey and his brother, bringing him coffee. The last time he passed by, Jay was asleep on that very uncomfortable chair, his hand holding hers.
He remembered when Natalie was in that bed, how much he would have payed to be right where Jay was.
He quickly checked Hailey's vitals and left giving one more look at his brother.

It was like a fucking hammer was hitting her on the head. With force. Repeatedly.
Her eyelids felt heavy as she tried to open her eyes. She definitely wasn't in her room and that definitely wasn't her place.
When she managed to fully open her eyes and focus she could clearly tell she was at the hospital.
Med, for sure.

She tried to turn her head a little too fast and groaned in pain. That's when she saw him. Holding her hand, sleeping on the chair next to her bed.

He was the lightest sleeper she knew, so she was surprised he didn't wake up just from her lightly moving her hand.
Why were they at Med? She tried to remember even if her head hurt like a bitch, her whole body actually.


The car ride, the discussion, the blinding lights.
Oh god, Jay.
She wanted to make sure he was ok. But her voice didn't come out. That's when she noticed her throat hurt like crazy since she was on life support.
Her eyes were getting watery from the pain and her hand automatically tightened around his.

He woke up with a gasp, breathing hard.

-Hailey, oh my god, you're awake-

his voice full of emotion and a smile growing on his lips. His hand was caressing her hair, his teary eyes looking at her intensely. He quickly came back to reality, starting to desperately call Will.

Will told her Jay was doing just fine, he got lucky since he only broke a rib. Only thing was, his body hurt like a bitch.

She was doing better than he thought. She might have had memory loss, dizziness and obviously headache. She only needed to be monitored and to rest. But she was a cop. And cops were a pain in the ass when they got injured. After ignoring all of Will's advices on staying at Med, just to be safe, they managed to get at agreement.

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