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Second part

The day after that whole fiasco was their only day off.
Jay was still on the couch, without the energy to do anything. Will had just woken up and was making some toasts while putting some dog food for Henry in his bowl.

He sat down handing Jay his breakfast.

He was pitying his brother.
-Jay just talk to her. I'm sure there is a very valid reason she stormed off like that- not even Will was fully sure about what he was saying. Before last night he was pretty sure he saw the same heart eyes Jay had every time he was with Hailey on her face too.

He really didn't understand, maybe she got scared and wasn't ready for that talk. He kind of felt guilty about what happened, maybe he pushed too hard.

His brother was now miserable and Hailey was ignoring both of theirs texts.
He checked his phone one last time. Still no answer.

Jay's mind was playing games, thinking about all the times they had a special moment. That time he had told that they were good, and would always be good. He wished that was true and that Hailey wasn't ignoring him.

He could play it off, pretending they were talking about some other girl, but deep down he knew there was no way Hailey didn't guess who Will was talking about.

-I told you, I'm fine. We know why she stormed off, she just needs some time- he wished he could believe his own words, but he knew Hailey.

Will grabbed his phone as it buzzed on the coffee table.

-I gotta go. I'll call you later- it was probably the Med, at least he had some time alone to dive in his sadness.
He couldn't stop thinking about Hailey. Was their friendship forever ruined? Would they be able to be partners without the weird?
He was so tired from being up all night overthinking, he just fell asleep.


A very sad Hailey, with watery eyes and red cheeks opened the door.
Will couldn't understand why she was crying but it hurt his heart to see that woman, that he considered like a sister, in that state

-Hail, what's going on- he rushed inside without even waiting for her to invite him, before she changed her mind and decided not to talk to him anymore.

She went to the couch sitting down, looking at Will with sad eyes
-Other than the obvious?-

That made Will regret even more for stepping too far the day before. He really only wanted for Hailey and his brother not to waste time like he did with.... Natalie.
-Why don't you tell me what's going on ?-

He knew Hailey and he knew she would never open up to him, he knew Jay was probably the only person in the world who knew the real Hailey. But he still tried.
After a few seconds of silence she looked at him, tears gone but eyes still red.

-I heard you guys from the bathroom- it wasn't much, but at least she talked. So he was right, she heard them and it was his fault.
He wanted to ask so many questions but figured maybe it was better to let her talk.

-I know it's childish and pathetic but the idea of someone else being with Jay just didn't sit right with me-

Wait what?
Hailey's face reflected his confused expression. -What?- she asked sniffling getting more and more irritated by Will's silence.

She couldn't believe her eyes when Will bursted out laughing at her face, while she was in that state.
Honestly it kinda pissed her off. -Will! Knock it off- her voice sounding exhausted.

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