μετάνοια (METANOIA II)

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Second part

Her body froze, blood pumping fast, her ears roaring and hands sweating. She had seen Jay get shot one too many times, and the thought of that happening again scared her to death.
She would have lost him without having the chance to tell him, show him how much he meant to her. She would have lost him while they were in a fight.

But she couldn't, she wouldn't let those thoughts cloud her judgment.

-Get back or I'll shoot him- his voice echoed in Hailey's ears as she was trying not to panic.

Kim and Voight were pointing their guns at him, while Kevin was trying to clear the place from civilians.
She took the opportunity she saw. Quickly signaled to Adam to join the others. Her legs and lungs burning while she was running to the perfect spot for a shot, making sure the offender didn't notice her.

Even though having Jay's beloved sniper would have been better, she only had her gun and one chance.
She took a deep breath, making all the screams of the people around disappear, surprisingly calming her heart, making eye contact with Voight and the team, signaling them what was about to happen.

She wished Jay had a way of hearing her without the piece of shit listening too, but he didn't. If he made the wrong move she could have been the reason he caught the umpteenth bullet.

Jays hands were in the air as he stopped moving. Him and Hailey have always been in sync and seeing the expressions on the faces of the team around him, he understood what was about to go down.
He had his back to her, but he knew.

-DOWN!- it was half a second, her scream, Jay throwing himself on the floor, a gun shot exploding.

The bullet went straight from the back the offender's head, going out through his forehead, making his body fall lifelessly.

-5021 Henry, offender down-
That was it.
The killer was dead, he got what he deserved but her heart was still racing, was still hurting, was still feeling the void.


As soon as they came back to the district they both wanted to run to the locker room.
Her hands dying to touch him, to hug him. She wanted to feel his body pressed to hers, the prove that he was still alive, that he was still by her side.

But in front of Voight the only thing she could do was lean on his hand as it touched her shoulder for a split second, before sitting in front of her getting ready for the paperwork.

After some time she got up, eyeing him, telling him with her gaze to follow her to the locker room.


They both talked at the same time, in perfect sync as always. But Hailey needed this, she needed to go first.

-Jay- she repeated talking a deep breath -I'm sorry for avoiding the talking.- as her eyes started to get watery his hand looked for hers to hold

-After all my workplace relationships went to shit I promised myself that I wouldn't put my carrier at risk for anyone. Work has always been the most important thing for me, putting bad guys away had always been what brought some sort of peace in my life.- she forced a smile trying to control her breath as her eyes burned

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