θυμός (THYMÓS II)

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Second part:

-That- that's not what I meant- his voice full of regret broke as he saw the way Hailey was backing still looking at him, as if she realized something.
-Hailey- his voice louder, begging her to believe him, believe that he didn't think enough before saying those words.

He knew Hailey cared about him. She had always been by his side even when he made it unbearable.
He left, he left the woman who refused to walk away despite everything. The woman who risked her career countless times for him, who backed him up against her own beliefs. For him it was a few months, but for her.... not knowing when and if he would come back.
His friend, best friend. His partner. The only person in this world who truly and deeply cared about him.

As he was frozen on his feet, all this thoughts rushing into his mind, Hailey had picked a box, ready to carry it to her car. Was she actually moving her stuff with her car? That wasn't the time to think about her moving out choices.

As she walked by his side he softly grabbed her hand -Hailey please, let me explain-

-Jay- the sound of his name on her lips making him shiver -there's nothing to be explained-

-Please Hailey, please- his eyes getting watery as he stared deeply into hers

Against everything, she gave up, not able to refuse Jay's pleads. She was probably asking to get hurt, giving him the chance to shatter her heart all over again.
She dropped the box at her feet turning to look at the man who held so much power over her, more than she was ready to admit.

-I didn't say anything when I left because I was ashamed and didn't want to disappoint you, again- he whispered, hoping she was actually giving him the chance to explain him self, finally ready to tell her how reckless he had been when he fucked up
She tilted her head in confusion.
Voight really said nothing to her
-Voigh made me leave because I went off book during an old case and I guess he wanted either to punish me or make me see how I should actually work in this unit. And I didn't have the gut to tell you, face to face, why I was leaving. I was afraid you would be angry at me or disappointed by my actions-

She finally understood the situation, how hard it must have been for him to accept their boss' decisions. But that didn't make her any less angry, any less hurt.
The words he spoke before, hit her like a dagger in the heart.

-And I get it now but, I was worried at first, when you wouldn't answer my calls, and then I was pissed off. I even tried to ask Ruzek to see what happened to you- a chuckle escaped her mouth, that sound filling his heart for the first time in months
-And I am sorry, SO sorry Hailey for not telling you I was leaving. But I'm here now, and I swear I'm never leaving again, not without telling you first. And what I said before, you know that it isn't true.... I... I care about you. Deeply-

His words made her heart flutter in her chest. -It's okay Jay. I get it. And maybe I would have done the same. And I care about you too- she smiled, finally letting go all that anger that filled her heart those past months.
He took an hesitant step forward sliding his arms around her waist, pulling her closer and burying his face in the crook of her neck.
Her sweet scent filling his senses

Her own hands around his neck, his warmth wrapping her body

That was the first time they had been physical in almost four years of friendship. They have always supported and comforted each other, but the farthest they had gone was touching hands.
This new thing, the hugging, the closeness, was inebriating.

They slowly let go, still standing close, staring in each other's eyes.
He could have backed up, they were good now.
But he was unable to step away, his gaze landing on the curve of her lips against his own will.
His arms still on her small waist. She was so strong and badass and an amazing cop that he sometimes forgot how actually small she was.
He forced his eyes back up seeing hers darkening with lust.

It wasn't only in his mind. Right?

Her cold hands slowly moving from his shoulders as she was about to take a step back.
But he wanted, needed her body pressed to his
-Hailey- his strangled voice left in a whisper
He didn't want to make a move before knowing for sure if she wanted it too.

He needed her to know it wasn't just lust, that his feelings were deeper than she could imagine, hell than HE could imagine.

He had a million things to tell her, to confess, but words didn't come to him as Hailey's eyes fell on his lips. He couldn't move, couldn't breathe.
And before he could do anything Hailey launched herself on him, kissing him.
He froze on the spot, after years of hoping and waiting, he still was taken by surprise.

At his stillness Hailey stepped back looking at him with horror and embarrassment in her eyes -Oh my God... I... I'm sorry! I don't know why I did that- hands on her mouth
Her words unfroze him.
She really thought he didn't want that.
A chuckle left his lips as his hands cupped her cheeks and he locked lips with her.
All those years of repressed sexual tension, the lust, the anger she had felt those past months, more at herself for falling for her befriend. All those emotions poured into that kiss.

His trembling hands slowly pulled off her white sweater, allowing himself to take a look at that beautiful body. Oh God she was so hot.
She smiled toying with the hem of his black henley, taking it off.

Their lips met again, slowly this time, taking all the time in the world to savor each other.
A strangled sound left his throat when her hands unbuckled his belt and found their way into his boxers.
-Hailey- voice filled of pain and lust -bed-
She chuckled unbuttoning his jeans and pulling them down, her fingers trembling with the need to touch him.
-There is no bed here, and unless you want to wait till we go to your place- a sensual, flirty voice spoke to him as she took her own jeans away -you'll settle for the moquette-
Waiting, even only a second more, was not an option.
So he picked her up, kissing her dimples, her nose and again her lips while carrying her to the black, soft moquette.
He gently laid her down looking at her breasts, before focusing and gathering the words
-Hails- he whispered -I need to tell you something-
She faked annoyance, pocking him on the side -Now?-

He chuckled, staring at her for a few seconds. After a short silence, -I love you- he blurted out

She widened her eyes in shock, his face reflecting her own expression. She did not see that coming. She didn't know that there was a slight chance he could feel the same emotions she had hidden for so long

-I... you don't have to say anything but I wanted you to know. I love you, I'm in love with you- he smiled

-Jay- a sweet smirk appearing on her lips -I have been in love with you for so long. But if you don't shut up and do something right now I'm gonna hit you-

A guttural chuckle left his lips making her feel it in every inch of her body
-shut me up then- he whispered in her ear smirking

She didn't waste another second before pulling him closer to her, kissing him deeply, both their hands unable to stay still without touching each other.

I updated pretty quickly this time... I was so exited for you guys to know how their fight ended!!
Is this how you imagined it going?
Let me know in the comments 🙈

~Vidurangi 🦋

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