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"OH, GOSH, PEN, I am so grateful for your help! So, so grateful!" Mrs. Torres cooed. She took Nick's sleeping figure into her arms as her husband scooped the elder two from the couch.

"Don't mention it, Mrs. Torres."

Penny placed a hand inside her pockets to warm the tip of her fingers. It was almost ten o'clock already.

"We're sorry for being late. You're such an angel. I can only pray that Nita will end up as beautiful, cheerful and kind as you."

Penny smiled sincerely, until the next sentence.

"Your parents must've been so proud."

Her smile faltered. Whatever happiness accumulated within her heart shattered as another wave of longing washed over her.

"Yeah..." Penny whispered. She cleared her throat and said in a much louder voice, "Yes, I really hope so."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Pen. I forgot," Mrs. Torres took her hand within hers, frowning.

Penny took a deep breath, "Nothing to be sorry about, ma'am. You should hurry! The kids should be in their comfortable bed soon."

"Right, yes! Thank you, again, Pen."

"You're very welcome!"


NEWT STUCK HIS walking stick into the stony hill soil and used it to help himself up onto the next tier

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NEWT STUCK HIS walking stick into the stony hill soil and used it to help himself up onto the next tier. Sweat literally dripped down the features of his face and pooled into blotches all over his body, gluing his beige shirt onto his back.

"Okay, halt!" Minho bellowed from the very front, "Five minutes break!"

Newt leaned forward and planted his free hand on his knee, catching his breath.

Eric Russo and Kent Hunt —two young men in their early 20s who volunteered to help the Search Party and got assigned to this group— sat down against the nearest tree.

Minho busied himself with drawing the mountain's landscape.

Frankie, after giving a few inputs to him, made her way towards Newt. "Hey."

"Hey," Newt greeted back, "Did the shank tell you where we're heading off to after this?"

"No. I figure East, or West, two miles North max."

The Search Party's objective was to map the unmapped territory of Safe Haven —the unexplored hills, mountains, gulfs, bays, beach lines, glades, woods, and lakes.

Down the burnt hut and along the row of residences along the Southern shore were developed enough, but those were only one small tip of the island. Who knew what kind of animals or creatures roamed around the surrounding woods?

Every evening, they returned with sketches and memories about the contour of the land they walked upon that day; kind of like the Runners and the Maze, but without the danger of Grievers and Beetle Blades. The said information was used by Developer guys, led by Jorge, in their plan to build a better system and civilization.

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