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HERE'S SONYA'S LITTLE secret (or not): she had a little bit of crush on Gally

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HERE'S SONYA'S LITTLE secret (or not): she had a little bit of crush on Gally.

At first glance, he wasn't the most ideal person to have a crush on, yes.

He had numerous scars on his face and a terribly crooked nose due to Minho's wholehearted punches, but she had grown to think of them as a physical memento of his hardship. He was naturally grumpy and pessimistic (or, in his own word, realistic), but beneath it was a young, goofy teenager with a hidden flare for gossip, dramatic, and terrible dad jokes. He had this pair of crazy eyebrows that made him look tantalizing and intimidating, but when he smiled... Sonya loved Gally's smile. And she loved how he made time everyday to pay her brief visits between his job.

Like now.

Jorge had asked Gally to fetch some notes from the warehouse but here he was, sitting in the porch of the Daycare, randomly bringing her a glass of water, risking Jorge's wrath all the while.

"So... what were you and Newt talking about the other night?"

Sonya's cheeks reddened, "Oh... It's nothing."

Gally shrugged, "I think I kinda heard my name being said."

"It's not you," Sonya hurriedly interjected, "Newt's just being a bloody annoying, old, lonely soul. He seriously needs something to distract him from meddling in other's personal lives. Like a girlfriend."

Gally chuckled

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Gally chuckled. He leaned his elbow onto the higher platform behind him and looked at Sonya, "Stephen and I might set him up with Marie. What d'you think?"

"Why Marie?"

"Dunno," Gally shrugged, "None of the other girls from Group B is closer to him than her, right?"

"What about Harriet?"

"He won't be able to stand her, trust me," Gally said in a gruff tone. "Newt has a type, don't you think? Soft-hearted, gentle, a bit boring... Think the shank likes being needed."

Sonya frowned in half-trust, "How do you know all that?"

"There was a phase when everyone thought Newt had hit it on with Frankie," Gally said, referring to the Frewt incident... which was most likely the day Minho realized that he did feel something different towards the Glade's only girl, "I asked him about it and he said she's not exactly his type. She has a stronger personality than him."

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