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THE NEXT MORNING, Penny sighted Newt getting his share of food while bickering with his sister

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THE NEXT MORNING, Penny sighted Newt getting his share of food while bickering with his sister. He was already wearing his Searching attire and he had his backpack slung carelessly over his right shoulder.

Then he sighted her as well, dressed comfortably in another pair of hoodie, eating breakfast with Zoe and her other hut mates —Selena, Kat, Debra, Ellie, June, Holly, Margot, and Jang— in a table about forty feet away.

Newt smiled and waved at her.

He... He sees me! He's looking at me!

Penny smiled, raised her hand, and waved back.


KIDS WERE BOLD. Well. They were probably too young to know how far was too far and what the term 'polite boundary' meant.

"Tell us! Please! Tell us how you went... crittle!"

"Umm... Crippled."

"Yeah! We want to know!"

"Mum said you were an adventurer!"

But, none of the adults complained. They wanted to know more about their Leaders stories, too. They just didn't have the guts to directly ask.

The Daycare kids did, though.

So, when Gally, Thomas, and Jorge went over to pick the Daycare girls up to lunch, the hut was packed to its core.

"Is something wrong?" Gally wondered aloud in worry and dashed quickly towards the window.

From there, they could see rows and rows of people sitting crosslegged across the floor and some standing against the walls, watching Brenda, Frankie, and Sonya... retelling the tale of their Scorch Trials, like a theatrical play.

"—Monsters! As tall as ten feet, moving with their arms outstretched like this. Yellow bulbs stuck out from parts of their bodies!"

"Oohhhhh...." the little boys cooed excitedly.

"And then, I pulled out my knives," Frankie skilfully pulled out pink and yellow markers out of nowhere and hold it out in front of her in a stance.

"I had a spear!" Brenda squealed, taking the broom and twirled around between her fingers.

"We marked our own opponent, and we fought!"

Sonya and Brenda looked incredibly serious with their role play while Frankie just played along, laughing.

"And then, all of a sudden, CRACK! BOOM! Lightning struck, burning the remnants of all Monsters to the ground! Frankie was too close to the lightning and she was thrown back— Frank, seriously, act properly."

"O— Oh, yeah," Frankie threw herself back and carefully laid down onto the floor, "And then I couldn't move my right hand and foot."

"Do you remember Stephen?"

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