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He hated the Maze so much, he was the one who suggested that 'never go outside the Glade' should be the first and foremost rule. But that particular morning, he had the biggest urge to go.

Maybe it was Newt's recent sulky behaviour, the sweet compliments he gave to everyone at the breakfast table, or the fact that he didn't bring his lunch box for today's run. Whatever it was, he couldn't ignore the feeling that there was something terribly wrong with the guy.

"Nick, man," he said as he jogged over to him, "I'm gonna step out for a sec."

Nick looked up from one of the Builder's work he was currently overseeing. "Huh? What for?"

"To check on Newt. He left his lunch. I think something's wrong with that shank."

"You sure? He seems oddly happy this morning."

Alby shrugged, "Better safe than sorry."

"Do you need me or someone else to accompany you?"

"No. I'll catch up to him and give him the box. He just left three minutes ago, won't take too long."

"Good that. Take the Runners' spares and knives, just in case. Be careful."

"Alright, bye," Alby patted Nick's arm twice as a form of farewell. He followed the First in Command's advice —putting on running shoes and equipping himself with some handheld weapons; brought Newt's lunch box, and hurriedly made his way towards Section Six.

With every step he took, he profusely prayed for his premonition to be wrong. But he was so, so right. For the first time in his entire short-lived life, he hated the fact that he was right.

It didn't take long before Alby caught up to the golden haired Runner. He didn't even make it pass the second intersection.

One second, Newt was halfway up the wall. His hair was whipping along the soft breeze. His biceps were flexed as he held on tightly to the thick, green ivy. His dark brown eyes watered and wavered as they saw how high up he was.

Then, the next few seconds played before Alby's eyes in heart-wrenching slow motion.

He called out his friend's name, "Newt!"

Newt jolted in surprise when he realized that he wasn't alone anymore. Then he jumped.


NEWT HAD IT all planned out. He had spent weeks, trying to design the perfect last day, and it was finally D-day.

He woke up feeling incredibly fired up. He had a long, refreshing bath then two servings of Frypan's casserole for breakfast. There were a lot of jokes thrown around the Council's table. To top it off, he had the chance to witness Frankie and Minho's amusing show down about her time of arrival. She was almost squished by the Maze's walls again yesterday.

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