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"He didn't kill her..." Lisa said softly, trailing off as she turned around. It wasn't right to call her Lisa, though. That was an alias. Her true name, given to her by her Lord, was Eleleth.

"We knew this would happen," Kyle, or Jophiel, responded, eyes in his book. He never looked up at Eleleth, ignoring her face and barely paying attention to her words. Eleleth growled lowly at him, ready to retort back some witty reply she had ready in her head.

"Eleleth, heel. Anger should be exerted over enemies," Sarathiel commanded in his low, steady voice. His white hair was braided down his back, and his silver eyes seemed lighthearted and wise. Sarathiel stood on the stage of the church, facing towards the stain glass portrait of Mary, the mother of Jesus. It was grimy and fractured, but at certain angles, light could still twinkle in the glass. Sarathiel stared up at Mary, arms folded behind his back that faced Eleleth and Jophiel.

"Why are you going after me? Jophiel started this mess," Eleleth responded with an offended tone. She looked away from the enchanted window. All of the Shards used the window to spy on the human world from a safe distance. While the magic frequency often was glitchy because of disturbances in the air, Eleleth was able to watch a static version of Wanda and Pietro's fight.

"Eleleth, don't blame Jophiel for this. You got angry with him," Cassiel said from the shadows. The red eyed assassin was holding one of his precious knives in hand, sharpening it with a gray rock. It had a proper name but Eleleth didn't care.

"He could be a little more concerned for our plan," Eleleth retorted. They were minions for Mephisto, their Lord. His plans were theirs. His power gave them flesh, his destiny gave them soul, and his desires forged their thoughts. All the Shards were indebted and enslaved by him. He had given them a plan to carry out. Eleleth took great care and responsibility for the one she owed her existence to. With that carefulness cane pride. She believed that no one cared more than she did. Any actions to prove this true were met with hostility.

"Why should I be concerned if the plan is going accordingly? We knew that Quicksilver would never kill his sister. We incorporated that in the plan. He is doing what we want him to," Jophiel explained his reasoning. He still didn't bother to grace anyone with a look. This served to infuriate Eleleth further, and she was taking her rage out on everyone.

"It isn't, however, because that hybrid is alive. You're entire purpose is assassination, Cassiel, how could you fail? Now Radueriel knows you are hunting him and his lover boy," Eleleth said bitterly, turning to face the shadowy figure.

"I know you're not picking a fight with me, Eleleth," Cassiel said, stepping out of the shadows with his knife aimed to strike. Cassiel despised being looked down on, especially by Eleleth.

Eleleth snarled in his general direction. Distaste swam in her eyes, as she fought the urge to spit at him. "It isn't much of a fight if I'm winning with one hit."

"Eleleth, Cassiel, that is enough. May I remind both of you that we are all allies. We have a common goal, and a Master we are all loyally sworn to. This mission is a team effort," Sarathiel broke them up with his sharp words. Each shard had an idea or concept tied to them that served as the base for their personalities and powers. Sarathiel received the concept Order. Eleleth was Power, Jophiel was Knowledge, and Cassiel was Assassination.

"Team effort? I've been doing most of this case while you all laze around. I had to integrate myself in Chalkydri's life for almost half a year in order to get close. I had to stage his and Radueriel's meeting for their powers to unlock. I had to get them to Stark Tower to find the Scarlet Witch. I had to threaten Quicksilver back to the tower. I'm the one who can communicate with Mephisto. If anything, I'm practically working all by myself," Eleleth cried out.

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