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"This is SWORD?" Tommy said, covering his eyes with his hand to look up at the Triskelion. After a long plane flight that was more boring than anything else, and seemingly longer car ride where no one could see outside the vehicle, Tommy was ready for some excitement. However, the sleek, interconnected buildings in the middle of nowhere didn't satisfy Tommy's adventurous spirit.

"It is. Hello, my name is Bella! I will be your... chaperone? I'm not sure the word for this setup. I'm basically in charge of you, to making sure you are eating properly to following your schedules. I hope you enjoy your stay with us here," A SWORD agent said with a big grin. With her short brown hair and green eyes, Bella looked more like a pixie than a government agent. But, she did have a gun attached to her belt, one hidden in her boot, and an extra stashed in her inner jacket pocket. She was one deadly pixie.

"The original Triskelion building was built on Roosevelt Island in Washington, D.C., and was owned and operated by SHIELD. However, in the aftermath of the Helicarrier accident, the building was completely destroyed. SWORD rebuilt the new building here, in an undisclosed location," Bella explained as she lead Tommy, Billy, and Luna into the main building.

"Our purpose with you here is to understand your powers, and help you three control those powers. For now, you will share a living space. There will be a common room that you will be required to stay in during free time, and three connected bedrooms for each of you. The bedrooms aren't decorated, and only have necessities. Not the most fun, but we don't exactly have this place prepped for children," Bella said as she used her keycard to open a door. When the door was open, the three saw the common area Bella mentioned. It had red furniture in one corner that faced a TV hung in the upper corner. There was a window and balcony that showed off a dessert landscape with a few cacti here and there. The room had a large bookshelf and a dresser for games. There was four doors spaced out around the exterior. Bella began pointing, "Luna, you will be on this side. Billy, over there. And Tommy will be in that one."

The children spaced out to look into their rooms. Each one had a metal bed with white sheets and one pillow. At the end of each bed was a small chest for clothes and other belongings. Other than that, the room was empty. There was a boxed out area with a door in each that revealed a bathroom. The kids placed their bags on the floor with varying degrees of carefulness before returning to Bella.

"I guess that's it. I will get you later for dinner, and your schedules will began tomorrow. I hope you enjoy your stay at the Triskelion. It may not be home, but I did try to get all this entertainment stuff," Bella laughed while rubbing her neck before turning around. Bella bowed her head, and then shut the main door, the sound of a lock clicking right after.

"I'm booooooored," Tommy exaggerated as he flopped onto the couch. Billy sighed, leaning into the chair. Luna climbed up in his lap, swinging her legs off the side as she wiggled into a comfortable position.

"We literally just got here, Tommy," Billy replied. He was nervous above all else. This was testing his powers, after all. What if he made a mistake, and ended up hurting someone? What if he didn't have any control, no matter what he did? What if Wanda forgot about them? What if Teddy did? It had been awhile since Billy and Teddy talked. Billy thought they were one date away from dating, but what if this set him back? Billy was awkward enough without time skips.

"Yeah, the plane ride and car drive didn't help. I feel like I'm back at a behavioral center. They do the same things. Have neat schedules for you to follow, handlers to keep you in check. I usually ditch the lessons. Who needs a lesson to teach someone how to 'let out their feelings in a proactive way'? It's stupid," Tommy complained as he remembered his past.

"Why were you at behavioral centers?" Billy asked. He hadn't grown up with Tommy despite them being... sort of twins. Billy didn't know much about Tommy. His basic personality but even then, none of the deep stuff like his emotions and trauma. Billy wondered if he ever would.

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