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That picture will be important ↑ wanna guess how?

The day was painfully slow, the clock giving off almost silent ticks just to spite Tommy. The teenager didn't remember the last time he went to school, and was just barely getting used to the schedule that came with learning. Billy avoided him for the most part, and Tommy was completely fine with that. Tommy wanted to form his own friend group.

Fortunately, Tommy was instantly liked my his classmates. He was a genuinely funny person without being rude or insensitive. The boys didn't find him threatening so he wasn't targeted for bullying or to be secluded. Tommy even met a few people that scouted him for the football team. While it wasn't the best day ever, Tommy was glad that he was able to fit in.

"Hey! We're all going to the movies later, want to join us?" A girl named Samantha asked, referring to her and the rest of her group. The exclusive group of people weren't exactly the same, and there wasn't an overall trait that defined them, but it was pretty clear that Samantha was a part of the popular crowd, and was inviting Tommy to join.

"That'd be great. Just no historical movies, that test fried my brain and now everyone is George Washington," Tommy said, getting a laugh from the group. Tommy smiled, glad that they didn't hate him. However, Tommy didn't feel so satisfied around them. They didn't fill that void in his heart where friendship or even familial bonds was supposed to be. They were a group of people he could tolerate, but he didn't want to see them any longer than he had to. They were good people, just not good for Tommy. More than anything, Tommy missed his old crowd, including Lisa.

"On second thought, I realize that I need to head back home. Guests are arriving at my house, and someone has to charm them," Tommy made up an excuse that seemed like a good reason for him to back out without being rude and without losing the respect these people had for him. Tommy wanted to maintain an air of peace at the school. It would minimize anyone finding him suspicious. Be popular, but not unkind, don't overdo it either.

"Unlike your brother, Billy. Whatever he tries to talk with would burst into flames," One of the kids, John Kesler, said making everyone nod in agreement. Tommy frowned, wondering what that was supposed to mean. Maybe Billy wasn't prince charming, but it wasn't right to make fun of him for it.

Before Tommy could defend his new brother, Samantha started talking again. "Well, you go keep your brother from setting your guests on fire. We'll see you tomorrow! Lunch, alright?" Then the group left, leaving Tommy just a bit confused. Why did they hate on Billy so much? This wasn't the first comment that Tommy overheard, but it was the first directed at him.

Tommy sighed, looking around the emptying hallway. He had powers. He had a family. He was going to school. He was making friends. But still, none of it felt right to him. He still wondered where Lisa was, even though she had made it clear she didn't want to be found. The police had said nothing about her missing person report, leaving Tommy alone in the dark. Tommy's old friends were five years older than him, full grown adults with jobs and possibly families.

Wanda and Vision tried to make him feel wanted, but they didn't know him. Billy acted like his sibling, but even still, Billy refused to believe that they were family. The kids at the orphanage saw him as a stranger. Peter wasn't at the tower enough to form a meaningful relationship with Tommy. There wasn't anyone to help him understand his powers. He was alone.

Tommy never liked being alone. Maybe that's why he acted out as a child. He wanted his parents there, no matter what they were there for. He got into a bad crowd after that. They were there for him as long as he was like them: a delinquent. Tommy played the part given to him by his own desire to have others around him see him. Now, he was with good people, but he still felt alone.

"Tough day, huh?" Someone said, standing across from Tommy with a half smile. The man had bright green eyes with silver hair that had a low shine in the fluorescent lighting. He was wearing a light gray suit and black shoes, his dark green almost black tie wrapped around his neck loosely. "School's like life in that way, you know. Makes you feel alone in a classroom full of people."

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" Tommy said, pulling his backpack strap closer towards him as if that would make him safer, though all it did was make him feel safer. Tommy twisted his feet, prepared to disappear with a burst of speed. The man would think he was hallucinating, or the police would when the man recounted the tale.

"Maybe not in the form, no. How about you call me... Kyle? Yes, Kyle. It is a pleasure to meet you," The man said, reaching out his hand for Tommy to shake, his vague answer not doing any favors in making Tommy trust the man. How could he not know his own name? Was this an alias? "I just saw you looking upset and I thought I could provide some insight."

"I don't want any advice. I'll be going home now," Tommy said, walking away slowly, his mind racing faster than he could. This man was odd. Kyle hasn't shown signs of being threatening or hostile, but he didn't seem in the right headspace either. Tommy knew he needed to get away.

"I insist. Knowledge is the best gift in life, wouldn't you say? One should never refuse such a gift," Kyle said, walking slightly behind Tommy like a stalker or parole officer. Tommy was very used to the later, but he didn't have any connection with the former. "My piece of advice is to let go of the past. It's holding you back. You're wishing for a time that was, refusing to help yourself make a brighter future. You must be productive and diligent, Thomas."

"How do you know my name?" Tommy said, turning around sharply to look the man in the eye. Kyle's eyes started pulsing with an emerald color, the edges clouding over with a gray mist. Tommy stepped back, overwhelmed by the feeling of ignorance. His memories short circuited, and he couldn't remember how to breath or even think. Everything became a guessing game that Tommy was unprepared for. The light became brighter, and Tommy fell to his knees, not knowing how to stand. He couldn't remember how to stand with his legs. He didn't know.

"Knowledge is power. I lied when I said it was a gift, because every scrap of information is worth a thousand lives. I will give you one piece that may seem free, but down the line you will regret the decision I know you will make," Kyle said, standing over Tommy was his eyes shining like a lighthouse in the oceans of stupidity. "Go to the Tower."

Kyle smiled at Tommy before walking away. Once he passed a hallway corner, Tommy remembered how to stand. He raced to the end of the hallway. No one was there. Tommy shivered. Kyle must have also had powers.

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