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"Hey! We have mail!" Luna called, racing into the room. Billy looked over, grabbing Luna as she ran by. Tommy sat on the living room floor, a gaming controller in his lap and coke cans at his sides. Tommy pressed pause, looking expectingly at Luna. The little girl held the letter up, sounding out the letters slowly. "Buh- Buh- Buh I. Bile... Bile-y? Billy! That says Billy!"

"That's right, Mooncake," Tommy said when he looked at the letter. Luna smiled as she helped Billy open the letter. Luna curled into Billy's chest on his lap while he read the letter. When Billy's cheeks turned red, Tommy grabbed the letter before anyone could blink. Billy gave out a 'hey!'  as he tried to use his powers to get the letter back.

"'Dear Billy,'" Tommy read from the paper. "'Hi. It's Teddy. Remember me? We haven't talked in awhile, but I heard you were at SWORD for awhile. I sent this letter so you know I haven't forgotten about you. I'm waiting on the other side. Maybe we can try again at a date? I know the first one didn't turn out well... what with the assassin trying to kill us, but I don't wanna take that as a bad omen. Anyways, write me back if you can. Love, Teddy.' Oh my god, that was too cheesy!"

"Tommy!" Billy yelled with his cheeks blushing even redder than before. Billy placed Luna on the couch to chase after Tommy. The white haired boy simply ran to the opposite sides of the room with his super speed. Billy telekinetically grabbed Tommy's shoe and lifted it up. Tommy went tumbling down. Billy reached for the paper, but Tommy was up in a flash. He wiggled his butt while saying in a sing-song voice, "Nana nana boo boo, you can't catch me!"

Billy charged up a ball of blue energy, shooting it at Tommy. The boy dodged, and the energy hit the door instead. There was a small explosion as the door flew off the hinges. Billy ran towards his mistake. The door seemed fine, but it wasn't on the door anymore.

"Listen, Billy, to you hear that? It's the sound of freedom," Tommy said, walking out the door. Luna giggled, following behind. Billy debated whether he should go or not, but decided he would rather keep Luna out of trouble. Billy sighed before trotting down the hallway behind Luna and Tommy.

Tommy made a sign for stop, crouching down behind a wall. Luna and Billy quickly followed. Once they had settled, Billy heard a conversation from around the corner. He knew the female voice was Bella, but he didn't know who she was talking to. A man, probably older in age, and he seemed like an important person, or at least higher rank than Bella.

"Sir, I don't think we should lock her up."

"She broke the law in public, Agent. It doesn't matter what you think."

"She stopped police bullets, not blew up a building. She did that out of self defense, not premeditated aggression. She should have a fair trail."

"We can't exactly do that. The United Nations has dictated that a special council must be appointed jury and judge of a trail. Unfortunately, it takes weeks to schedule a trail with them, so she'll be held in holding until then."

"Holding isn't the word I would use."

"Agent, may I remind you that I have no power in this situation? Take it up with the boss if you have a problem."

"Maybe I will."

The conversation ended there with the two dispersing. The children hugged the wall, managing to stay hidden since neither person went down the hallway they were 'hiding' in. Billy sighed in relief. He didn't know what would happen if they got caught. Would they be punished, or get off with a warning?

"Did you hear them? We need to help that woman Bella was talking about!" Tommy said, turning towards his twin and his cousin. Tommy looked at Billy specifically now. "Can you use your powers to find the girl?"

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