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"So, this is your school? Looks like an eyesore, and I know it'll be a brain-sore," Tommy said, fumbling with his backpack straps that were either too tight or too loose. Tommy was about to sue whoever thought of the design, but Billy led him to homeroom not a courtroom so that sueing corporations wasn't apart of the agenda.

"Try to be polite and respectable," Billy said, walking towards the teacher's desk to introduce Tommy to the teacher. However it happened, Tommy ended up in Billy's homeroom, first period class, lunch, and last period class. While this could have been a bluff, Billy was willing to bet that this had something to do with Wanda wanting them to get along.

"When am I not polite and respectable? I am the pinnacle of good behavior. Show me a man that is more beloved my teachers than I," Tommy joked, moving his hands in wide gestures like he was making a comedy show.

"No, don't do that," Billy said, looking around the classroom to make sure that no one was paying attention to them. A few girls pointed towards Tommy with blushes and giggles, but it didn't seem like they heard what the speedster had said. Billy was more concerned that people would question why a teenager that looked entirely like Billy besides the hair was just showing up one day unannounced. What rumors would surface? Would Billy het bullied for it as well?

"Mr. Kaplan, good morning. I believe this is my newest student, Mr. Shepard," Mr. Robins said with a friendly smile, looking up from the papers he was grading. "Hello, Mr. Shepard, I'm Mr. Robins. I'm your homeroom teacher as well as your English for fifth period. If you need any help, anyone in the faculty or Mr. Kaplan can be of assistance. Right now, you can finish up homework, or talk quietly with your classmates until the first bell rings. You can sit by Billy in the back."

"Thanks, Mr. Robins. If I might ask, do you serve any ice cream?" Tommy said, with a joking smile. Billy almost committed murder right there in the classroom, but he stopped when the entire class started laughing at his joke, including Mr. Robins.

"No, I don't believe I do," Mr. Robins said before giving his attention back to grading some papers and preparing the lesson plan for the day. Tommy followed Billy all the way to the back of the room to the corner. Billy sat in the corner desk, and Tommy slid in a seat right beside him.

"He seems nice," Tommy said, knowing that he had gotten onto Billy's nerves, though he wasn't sure why this made Billy angry in the first place. "Are you going to the tower today? Wanda was wondering where you were yesterday."

"Tell her not to worry," Billy replied, pulling out his first period textbook to study a little more in case there was a pop quiz. Wanda and Peter had invited the boys to check out the tower the previous week, and so far Tommy had gone once and Billy hadn't gone at all. Even if Tommy believed them to be real family, both boys found it strange to be there since Tommy never had a real family and Billy just felt like a burden.

"I did. She's a nice person, so is our father, Vision. True to his nature, he does have a huge and a bit outdated vocabulary, but he does mean well. I like hearing his voice," Tommy shared the fresh memory of the tower from the day before. "The Tower is quiet. Nothing really happens. Peter's either at a meeting, at school, in his lab, or out as Spider-Man. Wanda doesn't even live at the tower, and she doesn't have much stuff. Vision doesn't have any belongings at all. The work staff is very limited, and there isn't even any Avengers. No heroes, or super powered beings or SHIELD agents."

"Still don't agree, but I'm glad you had a good time. This will be our home soon," Billy said with a sigh. To him, it was all going by so fast. One minute, he finds he has powers, the next a professional hero is adopting him. Billy wasn't saying that he didn't like the fact that someone wanted him, but Wanda claiming to be his magical mother was a bit extreme.

"If you put aside age, you can't deny it," Tommy argued, ready to start a fight about anything with Billy. They had only knew each other for two weeks, and they already acted like brothers that always wanted to fight, got on each other's nerves, and cared enough about one another to tolerate them. Tommy just saw that as their behaviors also telling them that they were family.

"But I remember my parents. There are pictures of my mom giving birth to me. I just can't believe that her magic just made me. Even Wanda isn't that powerful," Billy shrugged, finishing a quick readup of the tl:dr of the Civil War. History wasn't his favorite subject, but Billy refused to make anything lower than a C.

"I remember mine. But maybe it's reincarnation," Tommy pointed out an idea he had been researching. Tommy wanted to believe that Wanda was his mother, but with every google search, his faith was quickly diminishing.

"That means Wanda was pregnant before we were born, and that messes up the timeline even more than if we were the kids she had," Billy pointed out a plot hole to Tommy's plan.

"What about this then? Someone took Wanda's DNA and whatever Vision has, mixed them together Jurassic Park style, and implanted it into our mother's? Kind of like surrogates, right?" Tommy said. He didn't know much about genetics or who would do that, but it could have made sense.

"Who would do that? Why our parents, also? They were normal people. Why make two kids instead of one? Why not more closely monitor them?" Billy asked, even though he acknowledged that Tommy's idea had some merit. "Look, how about we not talk about this at school?"

"Fine. We'll talk later. How about instead, you tell me if you and Teddy are dating?" Tommy asked quietly, trying to make Billy blush, which succeeded. Billy was blushing as red as the cape the man used when a bull was charging at him. Billy took a deep breath. His face wasn't as red anymore.

"We haven't talked since our first date. I don't think he likes me anymore," Billy said, feeling heartbroken. He actually thought that he had a chance with Teddy, but the bulkier male had just been avoiding him for a week straight. Billy hated how he still had feelings, deep in his heart, that he couldn't push away.

"He'll come around," Tommy responded reassuringly. The problem was that Tommy barely knew Billy and didn't know Teddy at all. His little romantic experience was with Lisa who ditched him at the moment of her freedom. Tommy couldn't learn from his parents. They hated each other, and probably only stayed together because of him and how long divorce took.

"I hope so."

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