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Tommy walked into the tower, confusion burning his mind. Whoever Kyle was, it seemed he had some sort of power to strip someone of all their knowledge, even the most basic second nature things. Tommy hated the feeling that the man pushed him towards, it was unnerving and made Tommy appreciate knowledge a lot more than before.

Tommy waved a quick hello at the front desk lady, before walking past her into the elevator. Tommy scanned his card in the metal framing where elevator buttons would normally go. FRIDAY, the AI that was reprogrammed into the tower by Peter Parker, gave him a good afternoon that Tommy didn't respond to.

All his thoughts were on the final words that Kyle told him. Would Tommy regret this choice later on? How could the man possibly be so sure of that fact? Tommy was expecting some villains to show up to try and kill him or his new family. Tommy called Billy several times, begging the boy through voicemail to come so Tommy could protect him as well. If Tommy did nothing, wouldn't it be a form of murder?

Suddenly, there was someone in the elevator with him. It was sudden, as if the man just appeared. Tommy jumped back, wondering if Kyle had showed up again to attack him or use his powers again. This time, Tommy was prepared to fight back. He clung to all memories he had like standing and punching. He would need to punch if this was Kyle. Maybe one hit would knock him out.

Instead of alluring green eyes, Tommy was met with a set of brown. Looking at the man's face, Tommy thought he was looking in a mirror. While the facial structure was different, and Tommy's skin had an unnoticeable orange tint, both the men in the elevator shared white hair with brown undertones and brown eyes. The man was sporting a brown beard and mustache that was only a few hairs thick. The man wore a blue tracksuit that contrasted Tommy's more casual outfit.

At the man's feet was a small girl who had light blue eyes that searched Tommy's face with vague recognition. She had long blonde hair becoming paler as it went from her roots downwards. She shared similarities with the man, and therefore with Tommy, but she was different enough for Tommy to make the connection that she was his daughter.

"Who are you?" The man said, stepping in front of his daughter as if Tommy would hurt her. Tommy swallowed, trying to prepare a suitable answer in case the man was an illusion conjured by that Kyle guy or any of his allies.

"Papa, his aura is like yours... He's our family! I can feel it... He's my cousin," The little girl said, reaching out her hand to touch the area surrounding Tommy as if there was something there other than oxygen. "He's your niece! But there's something else about his aura that I can't figure out."

"I... yeah... I'm Wanda's magical son. It's complicated and we still haven't figured it all out. I'm Thomas Shepard, but people call me Tommy," The smaller male said, looking at the girl with burning cheeks. He had no idea what an aura was, but it seemed to make her aware of things that Tommy wasn't even thinking of.

"I'm Pietro Maximoff, Wanda's brother. This is my real daughter, Luna," Pietro said warily, still not trusting the man before him. Similar to Billy, Pietro was hung up on the whole age thing. This kid looked like a teenager in his eyes, and even if Wanda didn't dust, the age was still to small. The only reason Pietro was so young is because Luna aged when he dusted.

The doors opened for Wanda, who was alerted that someone claiming to be Pietro, who was technically an intruder in the eyes of FRIDAY, a small girl, and also that Tommy had arrived. It was a lot to unpack, and Wanda wanted to make sure that FRIDAY wasn't malfunctioning.

"Pietro!" Wanda yelled, throwing her arms around his neck. Pietro instantly picked her up, squeezing her tight in the small elevator. Wanda used her powers to make sure it was truly her twin, and she began happy crying when she realized that he was her dead twin brother. "Tell me what happened, Pietro, who is this?"

"Wanda... I was reformed on a space station filled with people called Inhumans, who have powers. I started dating one, and I planned to marry her. Instead, I dusted. When I was gone, apparently she had this little one. This is Luna, my daughter," Pietro gave the short version of his life after his apparent death. "Who is that?"

"This is Tommy. He shares DNA similar to ours, with some like Vision's. He looks exactly like you. He has super speed... like you. He also has a twin brother who is more like me. They are my sons even if it doesn't work like that. I know they are," Wanda explained her own end of the deal. Between the two siblings, they had a lot to share.

"He is your son. But I can't see how," Luna responded, her eyes glowing gold as she used her powers to decipher the auras of the people around her. Usually, Luna was good at gauging a person's past and connections, but there was this wall that she hit when it came to Tommy. It was similar to that bird woman Luna had met a few days prior.

"Oh, Luna... I guess I'm your Aunt Wanda," The dark haired woman said leaning down to be face to face with her brand new niece. Luna hid behind Pietro's legs shyly, peeking out to look at her new aunt's face. Wanda had a bright red, misty aura that floated around her and the people around her, enveloping them in a sense of safety and security. It made Luna feel better.

"Wanda, may we talk in private?" Pietro said, his voice growing low as his eyes went dark. Wanda gave him a weird look before leading him away to the kitchen. Tommy stared after them, Luna grabbing onto his hand for comfort as she felt Pietro's dark emotions.

"Come on, Luna, I want to know all about my new cousin."

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