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3rd POV

"Whoa!" Peter Parker said, jumping back from his current project as it started to simmer with an internal heating problem. Peter sighed, but his eyes almost started glowing as he realized he had a challenge when it came to this invention. All it was meant to do was to upgrade the holographic communication units to make the images more lifelike. Peter only started the project when he realized how difficult it was to see Morgan's face clearly through the current system.

"Sir, Peter, I wish to inform that Miss Wanda Maximoff is downstairs, asking for visitation with you. Shall I confirm or deny her request?" FRIDAY came to life, her all knowing eyes having complete control over the new Stark Tower, promptly renamed as the Avengers Tower. There wasn't any Avengers at the moment, just Peter and occasionally Pepper, but Nick Fury discussed his plans about changing that soon.

"Send her up. But remind her it's a complete mess up here," Peter laughed, looking around at the metal contraptions around his work area. To Peter, this was all organized chaos. Peter knew where everything was, and what purpose each item was meant for. It was officially putting the items up that got Peter. However, Peter also knew that to a casual observer, this was the scene right after a tornado.

Peter started to clean up the area as quick as he could, the elevator numbers rising slowly as Wanda drew nearer. Peter was almost done when Wanda stepped out the elevator, hugging herself in a red leather jacket that went to her knees.

"Hey, Peter, how is Vision?" Wanda said, getting straight to the point. She walked over to a metal coffin with the remaining parts of Vision that was found in Wakanda. Peter was the person it was sent to, though Peter had no idea who wanted that to happen. However, Peter took the responsibility of caring for the pieces none the less. Maybe a little too much care.

Peter had this idea to fix Vision. It started when Wanda explained that her powers came from the Mind Stone. Peter told Wanda that maybe they could use a part of her powers to regenerate the Mind Stone. For awhile, it was a trail and error process that wasn't going anywhere. But finally, Peter was able to get somewhere with Wanda's powers, forming a new stone, not quite as powerful as an Infinity Stone, but powerful enough to create a life that was brutally taken. Peter called it the Eternity Stone, hoping that it would help Vision live eternally with Wanda.

"I'm getting somewhere close. Just waiting for FRIDAY and KAREN to finish decoding a few messages from the Eternity Stone, just in case it was important. We can't destroy what we have left of Vision by putting an unstable new element into the mix," Peter said, walking over to peer into the coffin as well.

The body was Vision, the clothes and cape on to remind everyone that he died fighting. The face, however, was different. The huge chunk of it was missing, right where the Mind Stone was before Thanos. Peter reconstructed what he could, adding parts of Vibrenium generously donated from T'Challa and Shuri to help Vision. It made Vision look more like himself, but Peter couldn't cover all of it up so the Eternity Stone would fit into place when everything was done, like the final puzzle piece.

Wanda ran her fingers against the cold glass, a red cloud of magic dancing around her skin, somehow infiltrating the glass by small cracks that the naked eye couldn't see alone. Wanda closed her eyes, trying to search for a sign of life like she did when she first saw Vision. Unfortunately, there wasn't anything there for Wanda to find.

"Master Parker, the Eternity Stone is ready to be placed in Vision." FRIDAY broke Wanda's concentration, and made Peter look away at the yellowish red stone in the corner of the room, floating in a cage made the second strongest materials on Earth, after Vibrenium.

"Can I stay here and watch?" Wanda said softly, her eyes burning with hope. She loved Vision with everything she had, and after what happened with Pietro, Wanda needed someone to love that wouldn't leave her. Wanda realized she was dangerously close to Peter, finding the young hero to be the best friend she had in the crazy world of heroes.

"I actually think that's best. If the stone unstablizes, your powers are our best bet of keeping it from exploding," Peter said, opening the cage with at least five different passwords, including retinal, pin, letters, a question, and a DNA blood test. Peter really needed to keep this stone safe since the power could be used in advanced weaponry.

Peter used a pair of gloves to touch the Eternity Stone, but that did almost nothing for the energy that flooded his bloodstream. It was incredibly like adrenaline, but pumping at a higher extent than what was natural. Unfortunately, that was a health risk so Peter needed to hurry up and get this done before he died.

Peter placed the Eternity Stone in Vision's head, watching lightning arc from the stone to Vision's face. Peter frowned in concentration, methodically moving wires and plates of metal to better attach the Eternity Stone's energy to the systems of Vision. The stone was specially made for Vision, all thanks to Wanda's magic and her memories. The Eternity Stone wanted to be apart of Vision, that was its whole purpose. That made Peter's job a lot easier.

Wanda watched with a worried expression, the light of the stone washing away her face in a fiery light. Wanda wanted to help, but the science behind what was happening was beyond her understanding. She wasn't a scientist, or a mechanic, or a biologist. Everything Peter was doing seemed like nonsense to Wanda. But, there was one task made for Wanda: monitoring the stone.

It was showing vivid memories of its creation, the black void filled with red light that Wanda's magic was represented by. The stone was forged by the red light, but it also had remnants of memories; a few of the mind stone, but almost all about Vision himself. Wanda needed to create something that wouldn't reject Vision. Wanda hoped that her love was enough to convince the Eternity Stone to help.

"I'm done..." Peter said, stepping back while pulling the goggles off his head. Peter grabbed a towel to wipe off his sweat, considering that the Eternity Stone gave off a lot of excess heat. Peter knew that was just the stored energy staying locked in one place. If Vision woke up, the energy would be released to power his bodily functions.

"He isn't waking up," Wanda said softly, unable to hide the disappointment in her voice. Wanda just wanted this to work. Wanda would never have a normal life. In the apartment she lived in, her neighbors hated her and gossiped behind her back. The Avengers, her family, were almost all gone. Wanda had even lost her brother. Wanda couldn't lose Vision.

"Hey, don't cry! Give it some time," Peter said, turning around to pull Wanda into a hug. Even though Peter was younger than Wanda, they both acted at the same level of maturity. They loved jokes, but they could be very serious if they needed to be. It came with being a hero, being confident for others so they didn't lose faith.

"You're right," Wanda muttered, pushing Peter away to look at him. Peter was just as adorable as ever with doe brown eyes and chestnut hair, his smile showing compassion and comedy. However, there were bags under his eyes that showed he worked to hard. Wanda shared similar bags, never able to get herself to sleep at night. That gave Wanda an idea, "How about we go to a local coffee shop? We could both use something to get us through the day."

"I'd love to. I could use a break from all this. But I have to be back soon. Pepper is hosting a party for the new board members of Stark Industries, and she wants to introduce me to them for whatever reason," Peter shrugged. Wanda knew that Tony had put Stark Industries in Peter's hands until Morgan came of age, if she wanted the company, and Wanda also knew that there was no way Peter would stay completely out of Stark Industries. But Peter didn't see Tony's will, only Pepper did, and Pepper wanted Peter to taste CEO life before he just accepted prematurely. Peter was young, Pepper had said, let him live a little of his life before he gets caught up in this.

"I was also invited to that," Wanda said, leading Peter to the elevator with a smile on her face, feeling more relieved than when she first showed up. Wanda wanted that feeling to last for as long as it could.

When Wanda and Peter were in the elevator, blue sparks started popping in the air in the middle of the room. A few sparks stayed alive, fluttering out a window Peter left open. After the sparks, the glass coffin burst open, a humanoid form floating above his prison. He looked around, slowly touching the floor for a better look at everything.

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