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"You're not human," A small girl said, looking up at a beautiful and proud bird that was perched on the fence that held the cows in the pasture. The girl reached a hand towards the bird, her basket of flowers swinging loosely on her arm. She gave a smile as the bird tapped her finger gently, a small shock of emotions gracing the girls system.

Much like her parents, the girl, Luna, was blessed with powers. Luna was able to sense the emotions of any creature she came upon, whether human or animal. For that reason, Luna's father had kept her away from crowded places as to not overload her system. Luna was only five, and she didn't have a grasp on what she could do or how to block emotions out. Unfortunately, being around matured emotions, like the ones her father possessed and what her mother had when she was alive, made Luna a very fragile case of being a little too mature at a young age.

Luna, for what it was worth, was a beautiful and graceful young girl who tried her best to peaceful and good. Her father was struggling these days with the dusting that had happened just a year or so ago. Luna's father had dusted, leaving a pregnant Crystal to take care of a baby all by herself. Crystal even joined the fight against Thanos, losing her life just as Pietro, Luna's father, had his restored.

Pietro was at a loss, coming back to his dead lover, who he had yet to properly marry, and a young girl that claimed she was his daughter. It took some time before Pietro was acquainted enough with Luna to take care of her needs, but he soon got the hang of it, and now Luna was a healthy girl that had a life of love and happiness.

Luna didn't hate her father, but some nights she snuck out of the house to escape his lonely and melancholy emotions. Luna was especially tuned to her father's emotions, so much so that distance wasn't an issue. Luna knew the bright blue aura that surrounded her father, spinning around like a tornado when he was happy or energy filled, buzz softly when he sad or bored, how it blew all around the room when he was angry, and the silver tint it shone when he was caring for Luna.

The bird, however, didn't have a human or animal aura. It was a yellow aura flickering like flames in the soft breeze, their edges expanding and contracting to make different shapes. The bird slowly grew in size, the talons stretching out and becoming more humanoid. The aura brightened, glowing a soft gold before dimming down to a pale yellow when a human teenager sat on the fence instead of a bird. "I'm not human, but neither are you."

Luna stepped back, afraid of what she had stumbled into. The fiery tips of emotion washed through her nervous system, the emotion registering as resentment and pride. Luna had felt pride from her father before, but not as sharp as this girl had. Luna whispered softly, "What are we then?"

"You are an inhomo superior, or a cross between a mutant, your father, and an Inhuman, your mother. Regular humans are homo sapiens," The girl said, tossing her brown hair behind her back, her brown eyes narrowing at Luna. "I am a genus daemonum, a female one that comes from the heart, the supply of creative energy. This allows me to transform into any animal I choose, though I can't pretend to be objects or people."

"Oh. What are you doing here? Is Papa in trouble?" Luna asked, not understanding half of what the teenager said. While she was emotional mature, her academic level was equal to that of someone her age, and words like "homo sapiens" and even "transform" in this context went right over her head.

"Not in trouble, I just wanted to talk to him. He's a very powerful person, did you know that? You only have powers because of him and your mother, so he must have some power in him," The girl said, trying to dumb down her language for the child to understand.

Luna nodded, closing her eyes to concentrate. It was easy to find her father's aura since there wasn't any other auras around, but it was difficult for Luna to manipulate the aura when she was so far away. Biting her lip, Luna was able to alert her father that she needed him, though Luna may have made it sound too urgent.

Not even a few seconds later, a blur of blue light surrounded Luna, lifting her off the ground while spinning her like a disco ball. Luna started giggling as she held onto her father, growing dizzy when he finally stopped. Luna looked exactly like her father, with the pale hair, though Luna's was a bit more blonde, and blue eyes, though Luna's was lighter. Luna's facial structure came more from her mother, with a similar nose and eye shape. Pietro could even point out that the jawline was reminiscent of his sister's, Wanda Maximoff.

"Papa! This girl wants to see you!" Luna said, happily smiling as her father set her on the ground. Luna lost her smile when she felt the spike of fear and anger bath her father's aura, and the malicious intent of the new teenager. The girl smiled grimly, and Pietro scowled, standing up taller.

"Luna, dear, please leave me alone with this... thing," Pietro said, pushing Luna behind him with darkened eyes. Luna stared up her father, before racing off to follow his command. Luna had never seen her father so distraught and angry that it made her fearful of the girl.

"Are you calling me a thing? Really, Pietro, acting so childish even after you've been graced with a child? Let's clarify, I'm as human as you," Lisa said with a smirk, stepping onto the ground with crossed arms and a slight chuckle.

"I thought our agreement was that I stayed away from Wanda, and you left me and my daughter alone," Pietro said, gritting his teeth as his fists clenched tightly against his sides. Pietro refused to acknowledge that Lisa was right, neither of them were completely human.

"That was the agreement. Now, two of the fragments have collided, so we're ahead of schedule. That means that your part of the plan is approaching," Lisa said, standing tall even though she was shorter, and younger, than Pietro.

"I never agreed to anything. You and your little collection were supposed to stay far from me and my daughter," Pietro argued, his voice rising with his temperament. Even though he had a child to mellow him out, Pietro still had a horrible temper that Lisa was messing with.

"You were created by our Lord's magic, not a piece of him like me and the other genus daemonum, why do you think that is?" Lisa shook her head at Pietro's apparent stupidity. "He hasn't used you thus far because you didn't serve a purpose and now you do. I need you to eliminate Wanda Maximoff and the Vision. They are meddling in our cause, and we can't have them discovering the fragments. If they do, it will be a long war, and I can't guarantee your daughter's safety."

Pietro held Lisa by her neck, lifting her off the ground with glowing blue eyes. All traces of panic and fear left his system as Lisa mentioned any harm coming to Luna. That little girl was all Pietro had left, ever since he was told he could never see his sister again. "If even a hair off her precious head is touched, I will personally come find you and torture every ounce of humanity left in you. Understood?"

"I hear you," Lisa said, her fear rising. She was told that she was untouchable to Pietro, and that her life couldn't be threatened. However, the increasing pressure against her neck left her gasping for the oxygen that Pietro kept from her. Lisa wanted to shapeshift, but she couldn't concentrate long enough to imagine an animal. "I understand!"

"Good enough," Pietro said, dropping Lisa onto the ground. Curling into a ball, the teenager started panting and holding her bruised neck with a few flinches of pain. To her credit, the girl wasn't screaming, crying, or begging for life. Even after she got oxygen, Lisa stood up on her own two feet proudly with only a bruised neck to show what Pietro had done.

"He expects the two to be dead by this weekend," Lisa finished with as much dignity as she could muster, and shifted into the form of a bird, a kite just like before, to disappear among the clouds. Pietro stood still in his yard, looking at the cows Crystal, his beloved, had raised in his absence.

Was he going to kill his twin sister and the android she loved? Was he willing to risk his daughters life? Was any of this right or fair? Should the demon have resurrected Pietro? The adult male had no answers, and he didn't know what he should do.

"Papa, why does someone have the same last name as us?" Luna approached, wondering who Wanda Maximoff was. Luna and Pietro had the last name of Maximoff, as well.

"Luna, dearest, Papa has something to tell you. Long ago, I was killed, and then I was brought back to life. I didn't make a deal with anything, I was just alive again. Except, I was brought back on the moon," Pietro said, remembering his past, before explaining everything to Luna.

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