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3rd POV

"We're stealing a car. I broke two people out of a delinquent prison. I have powers!! All in one night," Billy said sitting in the front seat of a truck that the guards had been using. They had borrowed the truck ("We're stealing a truck!" "No, kid, we're borrowing.") in order to escape. "I'm such a bad person."

"You aren't a bad person, Billy. Greg just pressured you, and trust me, you don't want to cross Greg. And having powers doesn't make you a bad person. Most heroes have some sort of power," Teddy said, driving the truck, his eyes pinned on the rode but he gave Billy a smile that made his heart race and Billy's cheeks turn red.

"I have powers, too! There so awesome! I think I have super speed. That's what it felt like anyway. I was going so fast, time slowed down around me," Tommy said, pushing his head forward from the back seat to be next to Billy. The later shoed him away, using the back of his hand to hit against Tommy's forehead. The white haired teen grabbed Billy's wrist and promptly pushed it onto Billy's lap.

"Whoa! Other than Tommy's white hair, you two look like twins! Same face," Lisa said with some odd emotions in her tone, turning on the backseat light so Teddy could see when he turned to his side. The large teenager saw the resemblance as well, giving his two new friends a strange look.

"You know... I do see it. It's definitely weird," Billy said, taking a closer look at Tommy's face. Tommy pulled down Billy's blinder, flipping open the mirror. Side by side, face next to face, Tommy could now see the resemblance. If it wasn't for the white hair on Tommy, the two would have been identical.


"I know, this is sudden. You just came back to life, but I promised Pepper and Peter that I would come, and I don't want to leave you alone," Wanda said, hooking her arm with Vision's as the entered the huge skyscraper that dominated the horizon. Millions of imitations have made of this tower, yet no architect knows the inner workings of such a complex building that has astounded scientists. Wanda didn't care about that, but she loved the design of the building.

"It is quite acceptable. I am very fortunate that Mr. Parker has allowed me to attend this joyous event," Vision responded with a nod, looking around at the main floor where the party was taking place. Guests in fancy clothing pranced around, laughing within the boisterous setting.

"He helped make you again. I think that means he likes you enough to invite you places," Wanda laughed, leading Vision to a table where they could sit and talk. Wanda didn't know how to dance, and Vision didn't want to overload his systems on the first day. Wanda whole heartedly agreed to that sentiment.

"How about I go get us drinks?" Wanda said with a shrug, standing up to find a waiter or waitress that was serving refreshments. Wanda couldn't spot one until she bumped into a young man shorter than her. Wanda took a step back, watching the waiter try to balance the glasses of champagne onto his tray. Unfortunately, a few tipped over, heading towards the ground below.

"I'm sorry," Wanda said, the glasses starting to float. Wanda shook her hands, wondering if it was her own powers that did that. Instead, Wanda looked in the eyes of the young man. His dark brown hair was exactly like hers, almost black but not quite. His eyes, however, was just like Pietro's. A brilliant brown with flecks of gold that shone with an inspirational light. Wanda just stared at the boy a moment, unable to look away from the eyes of her brother that she lost so long ago.

"It's my fault, ma'am. Would you like a glass of champagne?" The man said with a soft smile, his own demeanor shifting after meeting Wanda. It wasn't a negative change, just a calmness that showed in his body language. Wanda had never seen that shift in someone other than her brother. He was the one person that wasn't always wary of him.

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