Chapter 1: wakey wakey

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Once there was a nice house where there lived a nice family, they never really had bad fights with each other but they weren't the perfect family as well.

But there was this one girl who was always in her room, to the point that her parents were so fed up with her that they decided to send her off to the countryside, the said girl was Maeda [First name],

her grades were average and her looks can be average to some or a tiny bit above average with her (short/medium/long) [Hair color] hair and her [eye color] deep-set eyes mixed in with her average height as well as her not the that developed body which she finds as an advantage when lying on her stomach,

but the only thing that stood out of her personality is well, her laziness and tendency to stay in her room for a whole two to three days if given the chance.

Now you might be wondering what she does in her room for so long and the reason for her laziness. well, that can be answered in three words, anime and manga.

She is what you call a weeb with Naruto being her all-time favorite anime, she binged Hunter x Hunter from start to finish including the movies in three days. She even spent her whole summer vacation watching and reading JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and she was planning on binging another long anime this summer but her plans were foiled after knowing about what her parents were going to do and when it would take place.


{ Third person POV }

In a small room that was fit for a pre-teen, was a girl who slept with no worries whatsoever, not even the slightest bit of discomfort was on her face, well not until she woke up.

The [hair color] haired girl sat up in her bed with a blank face, she looked around the room and then turned her attention to the window near her bed, she made her way to the window to wear showed a beautiful farm full of crops. 'If only I were a cottegecore type of person, maybe I would have liked this..' she thought, but then the realization hit her like a truck. She had nothing to watch anime and was not allowed to bring a manga with her.

[First name] fell down to the ground on her knees which made quite a big thud sound and put her hands on her face "How am I going to survive?" she mumbled some other words and then came in was a tall man who looked a little bit similar to her, he sighed when he saw the girl on the ground 'Should I regret accepting the request of letting her stay? maybe' he thought as he made his way to his niece.

"Gaki, what are you talking about? of course you will survive. In case you didn't see clearly this place is full of crops that we can eat, there's entertainment from your cousins even, what are you sulking about?" her uncle sighed as he crouched down to her level.

"The only way I survived is by watching anime and reading manga," she then got into a more comfortable position that will not make her knees bad and continued "but now that I don't have any of those two, I might as well die.." she said in a dramatic tone as she wiped an invisible tear from her eye.

The man's eye twitched and a irk mark was made on his forehead, "No wonder my brother sent you to me." He said out loud to which the girl just ignores, just then someone called for the man, he replied back and then turned to the still fake weeping girl he sighed "Hey gaki, get ready for the day and come out to eat breakfast." and with that, he stood up and left the room closing the door behind him.

The girl huffed but still complied with his request of getting ready for and going outside to where the others are, what they were eating was some fresh corn that was most likely given to them by their neighbor.

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