Announcement : *gibberish*

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I can not thank you guys enough for 900+ reads like— how??

Honestly, I made this book without too much expectations because, well, I thought my book was not that great.

After seeing people vote or even just read my book, I started to gain a little confidence?

The confidence I gained was thanks to people who read my book even if it wasn't all the chapters, at least they decided to try it out :))

To those who continued on reader from the start and up till the latest chap, thank you.

Thank you for reading my book and once in a while voting for the chapter, it means a lot to me :DD

I always get nervous whenever I post another chapter since there is always something in my head saying that no one might read my book, but then when I come back to the book, even one read makes me happy and thinks that "hey, someone read the chap! I hope they enjoyed, let's write another chapter then :))"

Once again, thank you, stay safe and drink water,

bye bye!!

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