Chapter 14: New teammates

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After witnessing Naruto get rejected by his only crush, [First name] decided to follow him since 1. She was bored and 2. She knew what was going to happen,
So she hid near him and glanced at other places looking for the familiar head of hair of Sasuke.

'Aha! There he is!' After finding the boy near the window who was eating his food, she looked at Naruto to see if he noticed, and he sure did base on the expression he was wearing.

Naruto then jumped down and went into the window, surprising the Uchiha and in the process closing the window, while the girl who was following him watched from where he previously was and waited for him to be done tying Sasuke up.

After a little, "Sasuke" came out of the window and went down, "Hm.. should I help? Probably not but.." [First name] thought out loud and finally decided to try and help the tied up boy "accidentally".

She hopped down and went closer to the window and saw him on the floor with his bento box on the crate inside, "Ara, Sasuke-kun! What are you doing here all tied up?" Hearing her voice, Sasuke looked in her direction and wiggled furiously to try and get the ropes untied and also as a signal for help.

[First name] knew what he meant and went towards him and wanted to play with him for a little, "Ehh, the notes are quite tight.. whoever did this must be skilled hehe!" She teased and made the aggravated boy even angrier.

Finally, the ropes came off and Sasuke sat up and rubbed his wrist, while the girl sat there with her hands on her lap and with a smile on her face.

"Did you see Naruto?"  "Naruto? Was he the one who tied you up like this?" She tilted her head and looked at him in slight disbelief.

Sasuke 'hng'ed at her and stood up, leaving his bento box behind with the girl who acted oblivious to what Naruto had done.

Not feeling like she had enough of what was happening, she followed Sasuke in secret who was on his way back to the academy but encountered Sakura as scripted.

[First name] hid behind a tree once again and was at a good distance to still hear their conversation.

"Sasuke, you're such a shy boy~" Sakura cooed and continued "Have you prepared?~"

But contrary to her imagination, he ignored her words "Where's Naruto?" He asked after seeing no signs of the said boy, "There you go changing subjects again.. just leave Naruto alone, all he does is pick fights with you, it's because he wasn't raised right!" Sakura crossed her arms.

"Ya'know he doesn't have parents right? That's why he always acts selfishly and does anything he wants!" Sasuke froze and turned to look at the pinkette "My parents would get mad at me if I did anything he does, there aren't any parents there to nag you if you live alone, so he acts selfishly at random times."

'My, this girl really can't read the mood right now huh?' [First name] thought while silently sighing,

"The loneliness," the boy started "huh?"

"Is something that is worst than getting scolded by your parents, and also.." "W-what's gotten into you?" Sakura stutters, suddenly realizing the bad mood around them.

"You annoy me." He said and it looked like she had just witness her whole life crashing down, but the girl who was in hiding felt relieved that Sasuke said those words to her, 'That's what you get for speaking without thinking first..' she thought while peeked out and saw Sasuke walking away from Sakura.

[First name] once again followed Sasuke and stopped at the corner of the hallway when he stopped walking, Naruto came running out of the toilet and came to a halting stop when he saw Sasuke, "W-what are you doing here?!" He asked flustered.

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