Chapter 18: Too pitiful to not help

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{ Akihiro's POV }

After reporting back to the Hokage with Kanaye-sensei, I was now back at home, ready to just throw myself onto my bed and drift into deep slumber,

Until I saw that "present" left by the anonymous senders.

"Tsk.." I twisted in my bed, trying to get rid of any thoughts that concerned the mystery people, but my mind keeps wandering back there and randomly makes up scenarios of those people hurting [First name].

Finally losing all my sleepiness, I stared up at the ceiling with one arm over my head and the other resting on my stomach, 'I should add more locks to the doors and windows..'

Getting up, I headed out and put on some shoes and left the house before locking the door twice, "I wonder how much I might spend today.." I sighed while walking down the stairs.

"Aniki!" Hearings a familiar voice call out, I look up and see Naruto with Sasuke and Sakura.

I smiled gently at the three and greeted them, "Yo, how was your mission?" I asked when then came at a stop in front of me, "Would you even call it a mission? We were doing chores.." hearing the ramen loving boy's grumble, I laughed and patted his head.

"I've been there, and sometimes still do those jobs, but don't worry, you can treat it as learning experience for the future.."

"By the way, where's [First name]-chan?" Naruto asked, and it seemed that Sasuke was interested as well since he looked at me with expectantly.

I awkwardly laughed, as I debated on wether or not I should tell them that she's on a mission.

"Well.. she may or may not be on a mission right now.."


I sweat dropped already knowing that this will happen if I tell him, "Nothing too serious.. I think.." I quickly added, thinking that it'll help calm the boy down, but it didn't.

"WHY DOES SHE ALREADY GET TO GO ON A MISSIONS WITH HER TEAM?! THIS IS UNFAIR!!" He gritted his teeth while Sakura hit him on the head, "It makes sense that she'll be able to go on a mission, I don't think she'll need to train for that long with new teammates since she catches on quickly."

"Well, she doesn't catch on quickly all the time, she's quite dense sometimes." I stated and they all looked back at me, "Huh? [First name] is dense?" Sasuke asked and raised an eyebrow, I nodded.

"If I remember correctly, there was this one boy, who was very apparent with his feelings towards her, confessed that he liked her, and when she came to me, she said that she didn't know that he liked her because she thought that he was normally red all the time." I said while looking up to remember the details of the story.

"W-wait, [First name] didn't know he liked her?" Sakura asked unsure, "Yup, he was always red when she was with him to the point that she thought that was his normal complexion, and also, he kept on showing signs that he liked her by giving her heart shaped items and only giving her a gift on Valentine's Days.."

The three looked stunned and, I swear, I saw [First name]'s image pop up into the air as she had one eye closed and her tongue sticking out while she hit her head,

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