Chapter 15: What should I do?

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It was 4:14 am, the sun has yet to rise, the birds are still in their nest, and the people were fast asleep, well except for two people..

One being a overly energetic girl who is excited for the new training regime and the other is a closeted perv who accidentally got too immersed in the erotic writing, to even notice that the time for the sun to rise was near.

But did that stop him? No, and it didn't stop the girl from sneaking out into a clearing which had a lake and training there, she even put up a alarm clock to make sure she won't be late for the meeting.

[First name] was already in her new ninja outfit which she had gotten with Akihiro a few days ago so that she'll be able to go there almost immediately once it's time,

[First name] was already in her new ninja outfit which she had gotten with Akihiro a few days ago so that she'll be able to go there almost immediately once it's time,

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{ what it looks like ^ under the skirt will be shorts so no need to worry of flashing anyone! ps. you can change the skirt to pants if you want :))) }

"Wah! I'm so excited~" the girl sighed and stretched her limbs to get prepared, "Can't wait to show off my skills," she then made a series of hand signs and blew a large fire ball over the lake.

Someone clicked their tongue surprising the girl, "Wasn't that smaller than the ones from last training?" A voice said "Kanaye-sensei!" She stumbled a little bit managed to get balance again, the girl looked at his appearance and it looked like he came out for a jog due to his jogging pants and shirt which already had sweat on it.
"And here I thought that you've forgotten about me," "Well, you aren't really my student now, so why should I remember you?" [First name] placed a hand on her chest and gasped,

"Sensei, that's really hurtful ya'know?!" He chuckled in response.

"I'm kidding, even if you're Gushikens' student now, I'm still your first teacher, so don't go around losing respect for me okay?" She nodded in response "Yes, yes.. by the way, how has Nii-san been doing so far in his missions?" [First name] asked curiously making the teacher raise an eyebrow.

"You didn't ask him?" "Nope!" She popped the p at the end, "And why is that?"

"Don't know," the girl shrugged and a tic mark appeared on the teachers head, "Well then don't ask me, ask him if you want to know,"

"I'll be going now, so continue on your training, don't slack!" He walked away leaving the girl on her own, "Hmp, why would I be slacking?" She muttered and continued on her training until it was 7:04 am, [First name] found a tree to rest in and climbed up and slept there with a alarm next to her that was set for 8:30 am, so that she would have enough time to prepare herself mentally and eating another plate of breakfast.

Few minutes went by and the girl had successfully fallen asleep, but also gave certain people a chance.

"Should we go now?" "Yes, we should~" the people spoke and stepped into the shadow only to disappear.

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