Chapter 17: Here we come!

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Morning came by and they all slowly woke up one by one, it started with Daichi waking the team members up and preparing them for the day, then Kiyoshi and extra attendants who got ready as well and prepared for the trip, and then Gin, who was awoken by Kiyoshi, they all were served breakfast in their rooms.

After eating, they all checked out of the inn and were now in front of the entrance, "Are you guys ready?" Daichi asked and they all nodded their head.

Seeing that they agreed, they now walked on the path again to sunagakure, "[First name], are you really gonna grumble at me the whole time?" Tsukiko asked and held onto the grumbling girl's sleeve while matching his pace with her, "Not the whole time but just enough.." she muttered under her breath and thought about how sore her body is since Yumeka used so much strength while hitting her, the boy tilted his head and sighed when she turned away and shook off his hold on her before speed walking to the side of Kiyoshi, who sweat dropped since he noticed her and Tsukiko's actions since before they departed.

"Girl problems?~" Yumeka slyly asked while wiggling her eyebrows at the boy, who in return clicked his tongue and glared at her, "Can you stop thinking of relationships? We're literally in a mission and danger could be at any corner," he sternly said and she rolled her eyes, "Says the guy who was acting like a puppy that was ignored by his owne— oopsie.." she quickly ended her sentence when she saw him throw a glare her way that said 'shut up before something happens.'.

After walking for another few hours, they decided to stop and rest for a little, "I'll be getting some more water for us then, I believe there might be a river around here.." Daichi said and they all nodded their head in understanding,
"Ne ne [First name], whaddya say about pranking my brother? For revenge~" Yumeka whispered in the girl's ear who in response swatted her away with her hand and almost hit her face in the process, "Don't forget you are the reason for this Yumeka." She sighed, while the said girl pouted at her response.

"Oi, what are you whispering to [First name]? You better not be trying to plan something," The boy they were just talking about came up to them after helping Daichi get water.

Yumeka glanced at her brother and came up with something, "Oh my? Is that Daichi sensei I hear calling for me all the way on forest??, I better go before he gets angry right, so Tsukiko why don't you talk to sweet [First name] here and keep her company while I'm gone!!" And before any of them can stop her, she ran into the forest and started calling out for their sensei saying that she's on the way.

The two who were left behind sighed and clicked their tongue, [First name] grumbled under her breath and Tsukiko raised an eyebrow in response.

He groaned when she just turned her head away from him, "This is so childish.. fine. I'll buy you anything you want when we reach Sunagakure." [First name] glanced at him, showing that she was interested, but didn't seem like she fully forgave him, "How childish can you get?! Ugh. I'll let you.." he grumbled, making his words come out muffled and inaudible,

This time, the girl raised her eyebrow, he noticed but and looked down at her and maintained eye contact before proclaiming confidently, "I'll let you do anything you want to me!"

[First name] stared at him with wide eyes, and at first, he thought that maybe it wasn't enough or it was too much until he fully processed how he worded the sentence.

Tsukiko heard a snort and snapped back into reality, he looked at the girl had a soft tint of pink on her cheeks, "I-I didn't know you were into such things, Tsukiko.."  "WAIT, THAT ISN'T WHAT I MEANT!" She laughed while he grew redder and redder by the second.

Yumeka came back from the forest and saw that Tsukiko was beet red while [First name] was laughing at him, with a bit of pink on her cheeks, the girl was fangirling on the inside and patted her back, "Good work, Yumeka." She muttered to herself and sighed with a content smile on her face.

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