Chapter 8: Pardon?

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{ Naruto POV after classes at the playground }

I was playing with the other kids who were waiting for their parents to pick them up, even though it hurts to see them going away hand in hand with their parents, I still played with them.

Running around, I couldn't contain my happiness "Oi, Naruto, why are you so happy?" Shikamaru questioned on top of the slide, "You'll see!" I said with a bright smile and right in queue someone called out to me "Naruto-kun!"

Turning around, I see [First name] walking up the steps of the playground with a smile, "Wah, you actually came," I said when I was in front of her, "Of course, why would I not want to hang out with you?" she looked behind me and looked surprised.

"Oh, Shika-kun, you're here as well?" I look at Shikamaru, he had a blush on his cheeks which was very clear.

Before you know it, almost everyone had approached us well, approached [First name], "How long have you known Shikamaru?" "Do you two really like each other??" "Have you met Sasuke yet!?"

So many people were there that they pushed me away and crowded the girl more, "Mendokusai, hey, let her breath will you? And stop asking her so many questions,"

We all looked at Shikamaru who had gotten closer to all of us, "Shika-kun, what are they talking about?" she asked with a slight grin adorning her face.

"I-it's nothing [First name]," I squinted my eyes at Shikamaru's face and saw that his cheeks were progressively getting more red. Laughing while pointing at his face "Hahaha, your face is getting redder, Shikamaru!"

Everyone started to join in the teasing "Guys, that's enough teasing.." [First name] stated while scratching her cheek, "Sorry Shika-kun, I just wanted to tease and now you're all red," I hummed at what she said and looked at Shikamaru, feeling something I haven't felt before. "Anyways, wanna play a game of tag?" She clapped her hands to gain attention and everyone agreed already thinking of some way to chose a tagger.

I looked at [First name] to call her over but saw Shikamaru approach her, he said something to make the girl smile and she latched onto his arm bringing him over, 'There it is again, that feeling, I don't know what it is but I know that I don't like it.' seeing them get closer, I put on a big smile like usual "[First name]-chan! hurry up!"


{ Sikamaru's POV + time skip }

"Bye, Shika-kun! Naruto-kun, let's go!" [First name] waved while my dad, Choji, and I went the opposite way from where they're going.

Hearing my dad sigh, I looked at him raising an eyebrow "Shikaku-san, what's wrong?" Choji asked "Should've asked her whether or not she and her cousin can come for dinner sometime soon, Yoshino has been worrying about them this whole time.." he sighed again while shaking his head muttering a 'mendokusai' under his breath.

"But anyway, we are going to have dinner with another shinobi named Morikawa Kanaye with some other people, your dad is coming as well Choji, we might even see the two Maeda's there since he is their sensei but that's less likely to happen.."

We continued our way home to eat lunch, we didn't eat much since we were going to eat a lot for dinner, but as expected, mom got all worried over the two children we used to house.

She kept on wondering if they were eating enough if they were getting enough sleep or if they were comfortable at their house and if they can properly manage themselves, 'I hope they do come to the dinner now..'

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