Chapter 2: Dattebayo

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{ First-person P.O.V }

'Eh?' was the only thing I thought of while looking left to right, up and down and at my outfit, after a few good minutes of running questions through my brain, I hurriedly turned back to the person who was groaning since I might have momentarily forgotten about him.

I realized that it was Akihiro Nii-san and that his clothing was the same as when we left the house, he was wearing a white shirt with jeans and I was wearing [ whatever you want and find comfy ]. "Are you okay?" I asked him and he just glares at me and huffs "Do I look okay to you?" I shrugged.

"Well, I am not-" he stopped mid-sentence when he seemed to just now realize his surroundings, he looked everywhere and then at me. He almost immediately stood up which caught me by surprise causing me to fall on my butt since I was couching near him.

"Where the hell are we?" he asked me and then was surprised "How should I know? do I look like google to you? and also why are you looking at me like that?" I shoot out questions and he slowly smiles which crept me out.

"Oi, Akihiro Nii-san, why are you looking at me like that?" I asked my last question instead and he snorted. "[First name], do you feel, I don't know, short and young?" he asked me with a wide grin on his face. "Uhm.." I stood up and looked around actually feeling kinda small and touched my cheeks and felt no trace of acne or roughness in my skin.

"Yea... I guess I do..?" I asked in more of a questioning type of way.

"Well, that's because you are smaller, you look like you're 8!" he laughed and crouched in front of me and patted my head, I swatted his hand away from my head and glared at him.

'Hmph, no fair, he looks the same but I don't?' I sighed at my thoughts and looked away from him, we then heard rustling in the bushes, me being cautious in our new surroundings, looked around for something that looks like will protect us or me.

"Who's there?" Nii-san asked, then two men who had a mask and wore a sleeveless black turtle neck thing with some protection vest and forearm protectors as well. 'Huh, would you look at that, they look like they are part of the Anbu..' thought as they came closer while I and Nii-san step back to get farther.

One of the Anbu looking person vanished and appeared behind us with a kunai to our neck- 'Wait, that's a real kunaiー' my eyes went wide when it got closer to my neck "W-wait wait" I said while holding my hands out, they looked at me radiating with suspicions.

I took a deep breath and looked at my cousin, he was staring at me and I nodded at him to continue, "We, Uhm, we aren't from around here of course, andー" I sighed at his already failing attempt "We traveled from our village which was destroyed by rogue ninja.." I lied and acted to make my lie a bit more believable by looking down and forcing myself to get tears in my eyes.

The Anbu people looked at each other and one of them said to us "We will take you to the Hokage, but we must restrain you in case you try to escape or attack." They then tied our hands with rope and made us follow them by pulling on it like how someone who make their lazy dog move by slightly pulling on the leash.
I looked back and Nii-san and saw that he was uncertain about everything happening, 'But the Hokage.. does that mean we are in naruto? no that can't be, I must be dreaming with Akihiro Nii-san, or they might have kidnapped us and are acting like we are in Naruto.. but if that were the case how can they make me younger? What if they injected some random thing into me while I was passed out?!' I thought while furrowing my eyebrows and looked at them suspiciously.


We have been walking for a good 5 minutes and just as I was about to whine, I saw big tall green gates with writing on them 'Oh shit, it looks like the real deal, nice' I complimented in my brain while looking at the supposed 'Anbu' people at the front.

We entered a very realistic Konohagakure with the two gate people, Izumo and Kotetsu, I smiled at them and gave a little wave to which they gave a confused bow while looking at each other. Children were playing and people were shopping or hanging out with friends, I looked around more and felt that the rope became less tense so I stopped and looked forward, in front of us was the Hokage building, shinobis were entering and leaving the building most likely reporting and receiving a mission.

They started walking again and soon enough we were in front of the office, I took a deep breath and wondered who the Hokage is 'will it be the third Hokage? or Tsunade? oh, maybe even Kakashi!' my mind had millions of questions that I didn't realize that they already got permission to enter the office.

I gulped and walked in excited to see who the Hokage and also not excited in case they were to punish us for trespassing or maybe me knowing how their life ends.

There was someone familiar in the chair and that person was the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, my mind was then filled with had what happened in the show, how he comforted people and died protecting them. I felt my eyes getting tingly and my vision blurred a little, to avoid letting them see I pretended to rub my eye liked dust came into it.

The third Hokage looked at us and puffed smoke from his pipe "Mind telling me why you were around our borders?" He asked in his aged voice, "We were just trying to find someplace to live in since our village got ransacked by some rogue ninjas.." I said the last part quietly, I can feel almost all eyes on us. Unconsciously, I went closer to Nii-san and held onto the hem of his shirt, to which he responded by grabbed my hand and gently squeezed it.

I looked up and realized that Shikaku, the father of Shikamaru, was here as well. "Hmm, I did hear about a clan village being attacked," Shikaku said as he closed his eyes and held his chin to show that he was trying to remember what he heard 'Oh shit my lie was a truth, I'm a wizard!' I thought while looking at the Hokage and Shikaku speaking to each other.

"So, what are your names?" Third Hokage asked, "Maeda [First name]" "Maeda Akihiro, [First name]'s cousin." we both said and he nodded.

"It's true that the Maeda clan had their own village filled with talented Shinobis, but how do we know that you are part of that clan?" another jounin in the room asked, 'I didn't think about that,' I thought as I sweatdropped, I glanced at Akihiro Nii-san and he looked deep in thought.

Just as I was about to speak, Nii-san spoke "I can prove we are part of the Maeda clan." He said with a confident tone, the Hokage raised one eyebrow "And how will you do that?" he asked.

"There is a mark that all Maeda's have, it is in the shape of a flower and is located on our lower back." 'eh? we do?' I thought as I looked confused for a second and then remembered that there has always been a mark on my lower back and I remember thinking that it looked like a flower.

The Hokage then instructed the Anbu people to see if we are lying or not by bringing us to separate rooms and checking our lower backs, of course, they sent a woman for me.

After making sure that we had the mark on our body, they reported back to the Hokage who just been informed that it is true that people who are part or join the clan have that mark on their body.

"It seems you both really are part of that clan," Shikaku said and then directed his attention towards me, which I definitely felt because his gaze is kinda intimidating in real life honestly. "How old are you two?" He asked, 'Oh shit, they won't believe me if I say I'm 13ー' "I'm 14 while [First name] is 8" Akihiro Nii-san said with a small smile which I know is anything but an innocent smile, 'A wolf in sheep clothing, that's what he is..'

The Hokage chuckled a little and spoke "Well then, Akihiro and [First name] welcome to Konohaー" "NARUTOOO!" He was interrupted when a distant shout was heard and we all turned to the place it came from and it was outside near Hokage Mountain.

I saw the faces and they were all painted with red paint 'omfg It's Narutoー' I thought excitedly and giggled thinking of how mischievous he was and how we might see each other and I would treat him to Ichiraku Ramen.

"Do we have to deal with him?" My cousin asked me in a small whisper "Mhm, I am for sure going to make him my friend" I smiled at him and he sighed shaking his head.

"I can't stop you can I?" he asked looking like he lost all hope for me. I looked at him and gave him a thumbs up saying something that I have always wanted to say


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