Chapter 13: Poor Naruto

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Morning came by and the boy who was sleeping peacefully was awoken by the ringing of his alarm clock, he closed it and was going to go back to sleep but was interrupted by a series of knocking and doorbells followed by a shout from outside, "Naruto-kun! Get up already!" Shouted the girl from outside.

The said boy opened his eyes and looked at the time, Naruto yawned and stretched his limbs while laying down.

"You better be out of bed by now!" She pounded on the door more impatiently, "Coming.." Naruto sluggishly said and walked to the door, he opened the door and saw a grumpy [First name].

"Ohayo [First name]-chan," he yawned again and she sighed "Did you just wake up?" [First name] asked while she looked over his appearance.

Pajamas, night hat with disheveled hair underneath, and slippers accompanied by a half asleep face, his look screamed "I just woke up".

She sighed once again, "Get ready or else we won't have time for our plan," hearing her words, Naruto nodded excitedly and made her wait inside rather than outside.

The boy finished getting ready in his classic orange jacket and pants with blue shoes and a pair of goggles on his head.

"Let's go!" He yelled and the two went out and made their way to the Hokage faces.

To sum up what had happened, basically, Naruto and [First name] had painted in the faces, the girl just did some simple graffiti like hearts and flowers, while Naruto wrote things on their faces, but they were caught by other shinobis and started running away from them.

After thinking that they had successfully escaped from the two Iruka suddenly showed up behind them scaring bot Naruto and [First name], 'Damn, I knew that he would be behind us but I still got scared..' , they were caught by their academy teacher, Umino Iruka, and were dragged back to the academy and were tied up.

"Listen Naruto," the teacher started, "You failed the last graduation test and the one before that. You shouldn't be goofing off like that, you fool! And for you [First name], you have the talents to be a great shinobi, but the only flaw you have is going along with Narutos plans like that." the said boy 'hmped' "Being friends and having fun with him isn't a flaw, Iruka-sensei." she glared.

Iruka grew a tick mark on the side of his forehead and turned back to the class and pointed, "We will be having a re-test on the transformation jutsu! even if you passed you will still re-take it!" he exclaimed and the whole class groaned and exclaimed in shock.

First up was Sakura who transformed into Iruka successfully,

"I did it, did you see that Sasuke-kun?" next was Sasuke who also made a perfect transformation, after him was the one and only Uzumaki Naruto, "What a pain.." "This is your fault." Shikamaru and Ino said to the boy,

"Like I care," he muttered and went up, he transformed with a cloud of smoke surrounding him and when it dispersed, there he stood genderbended and blew a kiss towards the teacher.

Iruka stood frozen then got a massive nosebleed and fell, Naruto was laughing while [First name] tried to hold back her laughter to which she slightly succeeded, "How do you like my sexy jutsu!" "You fool, stop making idiotic jutsus!"

"Maeda [First name], you're up next!" he said still slightly frustrated by the events with Naruto, "Yes~," the girl said and transformed into the first person she thought of, which was Kanae, "Good, next-" the test continued and finally it was time to clean the Hokage faces.

The two children scrubbed the face that they had vandalized, Naruto was muttering under his breath and [First name] was silently cursing in her thoughts instead, "I won't let any of you two home until you clean it all up." Iruka said from above "Not like anyone is waiting back at home, so I don't care!" the girl stopped what she was doing and turned to look at him, while the teacher stiffened, "Naruto.." "What?" "What I meant was.. that once you two clean all this mess up, I would buy you two ramen.." hearing the word buy and ramen in the same line, the two beamed and started working harder.

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