5 | Games

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"You put me on a pedestal and tell me I'm the best. Raise me up into the sky until I'm short of breath...Fill me up with confidence, I say what's in my chest. Spill my words and tear me down until there's nothing left. Rearrange the pieces just to fit me with the rest"

~ Monster (Wonder)


Chloe was shooting me knowing looks as we headed into the stadium for the hockey game. She'd brought Garrett along since they had plans for dinner after the game. I already knew the game was going to be packed from how many people were still outside, waiting to get in. With enough people already drunk before the game had even started, I already felt a headache coming on. As soon as we walked into the stadium, my fears were confirmed. There were people everywhere.

I took in a deep breath, calming myself before turning to find Chloe watching me with a grin. "Stop looking at me like that," I whisper-yelled at her.

Her eyes widened in feigned shock. "Like what?"

"Like you expect something to come out of this game."

She rolled her eyes. "You are so annoying. He invited you to the game. Unless you are Patrick and living under a rock, you'd know that's a sign he likes you."

I snickered. "After knowing me for a day?"

"It took Romeo less than a day to fall for Juliet."

My eyes narrowed in her direction. "Their whole love story took place in like four days. Not exactly an inspiring love story."

She glared at me before looking up at Garrett. "Will you tell her Matthew inviting her to the game means he likes her?"

I had completely forgotten Garrett was listening in to our conversation. When I turned to him, he spoke cautiously. "Probably."

Her eyebrows arched. "How probable?"

He laughed at that. "Very probable," he said, looking at me from Chloe. "He's probably just gauging how he feels."

That caught my attention. "What does that mean?"

He rubbed the back of his neck. "He's an athlete so he's busy. He has to like you enough to get seriously involved. Relationships and sports are hard to balance."

Chloe tilted her head, turning her body so that she was fully facing him. "Speaking from experience?"

Garrett's lips twitched. "Yeah."

And at that moment, I was instantly forgotten about. I almost laughed. Before they could whisk each other away, though, the last people entered the stadium and the game started.

I saw him as soon as he entered the arena. It was so cold in the stadium, but one look at him, and my body felt as though it was melting. He looked around in the crowd for a moment before he saw me. An infectious smile took over his lips and I couldn't help but smile, too.

The game was good. I think. All I know is they were both incredibly competitive teams; this I gathered from the people around me. I was surprised to see how respectful the opposing fans were of each other. If this was soccer...let me just not go there. Regardless, though, I cheered when our team did well and cheered even louder when it was Matt in the spotlight.

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