10 | Mascara

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"Used to be scared of the ocean, 'cause I didn't know how to swim. I took one sip of your potion. Now I'm just divin' right in. I heard your siren's call, it was beautiful"

~ In Too Deep (8 Letters)


"Are you wearing mascara?" Chloe said, her morning voice groggy. She approached me in the kitchen with her hair messily tied in a high bun. She was still in her PJs and rubbing her eyes as she looked at me in disbelief.

I chuckled, closing the glass Tupperware I was holding with its lid. "How can you tell from that far away?"

She froze. "Oh my God! You are wearing mascara without me forcing you...have we been kidnapped by aliens?"

I squinted my eyes at her. "Can you stop being so dramatic, it's just mascara? I felt like being pretty today."

Giving me a confused look, she grabbed a mug for coffee. "But you're always pret-" she stopped for a second before realization dawned on her face. Then she squealed. "Matthew! You're trying to look extra pretty for Matthew!"

Of course, the bright smile that lit up my face betrayed my feelings. "Can you not wake the neighbors? We're gonna get a noise complaint."

"They can suck it. Did last Saturday go that well?" She put the mug on the counter and forgot all about her coffee. I'd given her the deets about Saturday the night right after I got in, but I guess I had been a little vague. 

"It must have been since he's buying me breakfast this morning," I shrugged.

Her eyes widened as she leaned closer into where I stood. "Woah, what?"

"Well, he said he wanted to see me again and the next time I have any time is on Friday. He said that was too far so he's buying breakfast." I wanted to shrug to minimize the weight of his actions, but I refrained. 

Then she screamed, making me flinch. "Chloe! Stop screaming. You're gonna blow my eardrums."

She didn't even consider my words nor my pained face. Oh, my poor eardrums. "He likes you!"

I scoffed. "No, he just wants to thank me for Saturday."

She stared at me with a dumbfounded look. "Are you kidding me? That man has liked you from the start. He got you two tickets to that packed game just so you would feel safe and now is insisting on seeing you as soon as possible. I would bet my left kidney on it."

A snicker escaped me. "That much, huh?"

"Mh-mmm," she nodded, "so, this feeling is reciprocated then, right? Since you're all dolled up."

I rolled my eyes, fidgeting around with the Tupperware. "I'm wearing mascara, Chloe. It's not breaking news."

Her smile widened. "You are so flustered. It's okay to like him, you know? You deserve this."

My eyes softened at her words. "It's just all so new. I don't even know what to do."

"Just go be your cute self. He's already falling."

"Chloe, stop." I groaned, giving her a feigned stern look before moving to my backpack to make sure I had everything I needed for today's classes.

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