17 | Interested

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"I like the way you sound in the morning. We're on the phone and without a warning. I realize your laugh is the best sound I have ever heard. I like the way I can't keep my focus. I watch you talk, you didn't notice. I hear the words but all I can think is we should be together. Every time you smile, I smile. And every time you shine, I'll shine for you"

~ Jump then Fall (Fearless: Platinum Edition)


The drive to the game didn't take too long. The closer we got to the stadium, the more I proved to myself that I had been right to take a chance tonight. It was paying off, trying to act on my growing trust for Matt.

When he parked his car in the section of the parking lot designated for current athletes, I couldn't help the bright smile I wore as I turned to watch him. We had been silent for most of the drive. I was lost in my thoughts, and I assumed he was giving me space to breathe.

Now, though, there was a lightness that I felt as if a small weight had been lifted off of my chest. I watched as he shut off the engine and turned to look at me, his eyes inquisitive.

When they caught me staring, he smiled. "Hey."

My smile widened. "Hey, you."

"How are you feeling?"

"Better," I answered, taking in a deep breath. "Much better, thank you."

He reached over and covered my left hand with his right one, giving me a squeeze. My breath hitched in my throat at the sweet contact. However, he retreated too soon. "That's good. But if you want to leave at any point in the game, let me know and we can go."

I felt my lips quiver at the surge of emotion that came over me. I don't know if he knew how much his words, his actions, meant to me. I don't even know how I could even convey to him how much it means to me. I swallowed my emotions down, knowing I would start to cry if I started conveying my true feelings. Instead, I said, "but I hear it's going to be a good game tonight."

"Hmm, we'll see. Their game hasn't been good at all this season," he remarked.

I gasped. "Matt! You do realize my best friend's boyfriend is on the team, right?"

He let out a laugh. "Yeah, I do. Doesn't change the fact that they've been losing a lot lately. You told me yourself, remember?"

I rolled my eyes, my lips fighting a smile. "I'm allowed."

"You're allowed to speak the truth, but I'm not?" He pressed, amused.

I didn't give in. Rather, I sat up straighter. "Absolutely."

Instead of retorting as I expected, he continued to watch me with that cute smile.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked, the joking tone wiped from my voice.

"You look really pretty today. I don't if I told you earlier," he said softly, the look in his eyes matching the warmth in his voice.

I think I stopped breathing for a second. My thoughts jumbled at his words. He keeps talking about how I sweep him off of his feet. Though, I don't think he knows what he does to me, especially when he says things like that. These feelings I now know I have for him keep getting stronger by the minute and I feared I would accidentally shout them out loud soon enough.

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