8 | Sandwiches

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"Two wrongs make no right. When it's left, at least we tried. I'll be back tonight"

~ Outside (Nobody is Listening)


The gorgeous scenery of the lake stopped Matthew mid-sentence. His eyes wandered around the area, capturing the beautiful green trees that were in the background. The lake was huge, and it was one of my favorite places to come to when I needed a break from campus.

"How do I not know about this spot?" He mumbled, almost to himself, as we walked closer to the lake, passing the end of the trail.

I took in a deep breath, allowing myself a second to take in the calming scent. "I don't know, but I'm glad most people on campus don't know about this."

He turned to me then, his eyes beaming. "You want to keep this to yourself, huh?"

I almost blushed. Whenever he looked at me, it was like his full attention was on me, and I just didn't know what to do with myself. Nonetheless, I forced myself to respond. "Well, of course. There are still some people who come up here, but not enough to disturb one another. It's so quiet and peaceful."

Taking a step closer to where I stood, he said, "that's selfish, Hannah."

I laughed. "I can't even begin to care. Imagine most of our campus finding of this," he cringed before I could even finish, "see, exactly. So, I am going to be selfish, and so are you. Don't tell anyone."

A captivating grin split across his face. "Are you asking or forcing me?"

"Forcing. This is a very serious matter to me," I stated matter-of-factly, fighting off the smile that was threatening to take over my lips.

He pretended to think it over for a second. "Hmm. I'll think about it."

Rolling my eyes, I walked past him to find my usual spot near the lake. He followed closely behind me, watching me curiously as I opened my backpack and got out a blanket. I put it over the ground before looking up to catch his eyes. I couldn't help the small smile that tugged at my lips. "Come on, let's sit."

He gave me a nod, a conflicted look crossing his eyes. Once he'd taken his spot on the blanket, I also sat, making sure to put a good amount of space between us.

"What else do you have in there?" He asked when I continued to pull out the food Chloe and I had packed this morning-well, part of it, anyway.

I grinned. "Everything I need to sweep you off of your feet."

I expected some sort of witty comeback, but he blinked at me for a second before a blush crept on his cheeks. "Everything, huh?"

I nodded, the nerves in my stomach reawakening at how adorable he looked. "Mh-mmm. I made us skillet grilled chicken sandwiches. I know you athletes are into health and all that."

He chuckled. "How many athletes do you know?"

I shrugged, closing up my backpack and stashing it away from the food. "Besides my best friend's boyfriend, I only know one. You."

His eyes softened. "I'm glad."

With the way he was looking at me, I would definitely stutter if I attempted to speak. So, I handed him his sandwich instead.

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