1 | Headache

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"Don't tell me this is all for nothing. I can only tell you one thing. On the nights you feel outnumbered, baby, I'll be out there somewhere. I see everything you can be. I see the beauty that you can't see"

~ Outnumbered (Without Fear)


Bosnia. Lithuania. Ukraine.

Looking at the answer key, I shook my head. The order was wrong. It's Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania from north to south.

I let out a frustrated groan and pushed away my laptop. I ran my fingers through my hair, feeling stumped. I hated history. I mean, I loved reading about it and watching documentaries, but having to study for a test on history was my own personal hell on Earth.

Deciding I deserve a break, I closed my laptop and headed out to the kitchen. I was making myself a sandwich and preparing a cup of coffee when Chloe walked out of her room dressed in a short dressed and fully done face of make-up.

I raised my eyebrows at her. "Where are you going?"

She smiled, her eyes brightening. "I met this guy in class today, Garett Wesley. He's on the football team and he invited me to a party tonight."

I took my coffee out of the microwave and turned to face her again. "Chloe..."

She shook her head, coming closer. "No, Hannah, I know what you're going to say, but I'll be fine. He's not dangerous."

I sighed. "They never appear dangerous, Chloe, that's the point."

She inhaled a deep breath, regarding me for a long moment. "Fine. If you're so worried, why don't you come along?"

I recoiled. "I have an exam tomorrow. I have to study."

"You've been studying all day, I'm sure you can allow fun for a few hours."

My face deadpanned.

She laughed at that. "Come on, I was gonna be nice and leave you be tonight, but since you wanna be all protective, I'm dragging you out with me."

"Can I say no to this?" I groaned, looking down at my coffee with longing.

"Nope." Taking my coffee mug, she put it back on the counter and grabbed my arm, tugging me into my room and toward my closet. "Now let's find something that's gonna make all the boys drool all over you."

"Ew. Why would I want that?"

She rolled her eyes at me, then turned her attention back to my closet, sorting through my clothes. "I didn't mean literally drool on you, you know?"

"I know what you meant," I chuckled, "But the real version of it isn't so appealing either."

"Okay, this one!" She turned around holding a pale yellow dress that was short in length, but not too revealing cleavage wise.

I didn't feel like fighting her on it, especially since I was drained of energy, so I nodded. "Sounds good."

"Okay, here, put it on while I go get my make-up." She closed my closet door and handed me the dress.

"Chloe, no. I'm still studying once we come back home," I argued, ''I don't feel like taking off make-up that late at night."

She considered me for a moment before shrugging and letting out a soft sigh. "Alright, fine. I thought we could be baddies together, but I guess not. It's okay; I know wishes don't always come true."

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