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"Maybe you shouldn't have gone there that night. Maybe you should have told a little less lies. Maybe you shouldn't have gone and ruined my life"

~ One Night (Picture This)


As I stood there fidgeting with my fingers, I could hear my heart beating loudly in my ear. It wasn't enough to drown out the sounds coming from the room, but it was loud enough to engulf me in my own thoughts. 

What if she was just waking him up? 

I nodded. Yeah, a lot of couples do this. Right?

Unsure, I looked at him again. 

No. It can't be. The person sleeping usually wakes up in response by this point. It usually doesn't take much, no matter how much of a heavy sleeper they might be. 

This man was out.

I gulped hard, realizing I'd already made up my mind.

I'm pretty sure I wasn't breathing as I walked through the door. I felt like I was going to choke on my words when I opened my mouth to speak. "What the hell are you doing?" My voice sounded a lot more solid than I'd expected. The harshness of it even surprised me.

The girl stopped moving, turning around with wide wide eyes. "What? Get out, you freak! We're in the middle of something here."

Bravery wrapped its hands around my terrified heart, pushing me to walk farther into the room. "No, it looks like you're in the middle of something. He looks passed out."


"You're having sex with a guy who is not awake," I replied, straightening my posture. I walked closer, hardening my eyes in her direction.

"Again, and?"

I couldn't understand if she genuinely didn't get what I was saying or if she was just playing stupid. "He can't consent if he's out drunk." I pulled out my phone. "So this," I waved at her, "what you're doing is rape."

That made her recoil, wiping that smirk right off of her face. "What? That has to be a joke. He's a guy."

I stared back at her, utterly confused. "And?"

Her eyebrows furrowed. "And I'm a girl. I can't rape him. He can just push me off."

I blinked. She has to be kidding.

No, she was staring at me. Dead serious.

"How can he push you off if he's passed out?"

"Uhh..." it took her a moment to come up with something. When she hit a dead end, she let out a soft sigh. "It's not like he's not gonna consent when he wakes up."

I almost started laughing at the absurdity of what I was hearing, but thankfully, I refrained. "Did you start having sex before he passed out?"


"Then how do you know he will consent to this?"

She groaned. "Because we've had sex before. Why the hell do you care?"

"Okay, him consenting in the past is not blanket consent for the future." I unlocked my phone and dialed 911, but didn't call. "And I care because I'm a normal human being who doesn't like to let rape happen if I can stop it. So either get the fuck off of him right now or I'm calling the cops."

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