Chapter 1

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You sigh, checking your phone for the 12th time in the last 5 minutes. You were waiting for a very important call from Apex Games, confirming that your application had been accepted.

Although you weren't sure whether or not you actually were accepted, you wouldn't have been too worried about it. After all, you were only doing it for the money and if you didn't get accepted then you could find other ways to get paid.

After continuously checking your phone for the past hour and a half you finally heard your phone ring. You got nervous all of a sudden, just now realizing that the Apex Games was actually a big deal. There were literal legends competing in them and you were still a nobody.

You shake that thought from your head as you pick up the phone.

"Hello?" you ask, waiting for a response.

"Yes, hello. Is this Y/N L/N?" the person in the other line asked.

"That's correct." you stated, getting a bit nervous again.

"This is Apex Games. We are calling you to let you know that you've been accepted." You let out a deep breath you didn't know you were holding.

"Alright, when do i start?" you said, trying to act nonchalant about the whole ordeal.

"Well we have a plane about to take off in an hour..or you could wait until tomorrow evening."

You look over at your already packed bags, thinking for a moment. You didn't have anything better to do, so why not go as quickly as possible?

"I'll be boarding the flight that is in an hour." you replied, beginning to gather last minutes items.

"Fantastic! We'll see you soon Miss." the person said happily.

You then hung up and finished gathering what you needed. Since the airport was pretty far away, you decided to begin heading there immediately.

You looked around the airport, seeing many faces that weren't familiar to you. You then looked at the time, seeing you had about 15 minutes left until the plane would be leaving.

'Why hasn't it been called to be b-' your thought was interrupted when a voice over the intercom stated

"All passengers heading on flight 215 please board the flight." How convenient.

Boarding the flight you notice there's a few other people boarding with you. Are these other people who also applied? Your thoughts get answered as one of the men walk up to you, holding out his hand.

"I'm Mackey. My colleagues and i work for Apex Headquarters. I'm guessing you're Y/N?" he asks.

You begin shaking his hand as you nod. "That's me. It's nice to meet you Mackey." You say, a small smile on your face as you then begin to head to your seat.

You knew the flight was going to take at least 3 and a half hours, so you got prepared to take a nap. You couldn't wait for what was to come, how much money you'll get, and how many people you'll destroy in the arena. It was going to be fun. Your thoughts go crazy as you begin to slip off into a deep sleep.

A/N: I see a few people questioning how Y/N got into the apex games, and I totally understand the confusion. With this story how you get into the apex games is very different from how you would normally. Blisk doesn't give cards out, instead he reviews applications and picks the ones he thinks would make the games interesting to allow them in. (Anyone can apply.)

In the application you need to include your age, name, how well you know the other legends' abilities, why you want to join, and a few other things. Basically a job interview if imma be honest.

Really, it's a hit or miss whether you get in or not. But it pays VERY well as you can get legitimately injured and also because it's one of the biggest games of..well ever.

It may still not make any sense, so I'm sorry about that. But I thought blisk giving Y/N a card would be kind of.. unrealistic in my opinion. OKAY BYEEE LOVE YOU

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