Chapter 20

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You stare at him for a moment, eyebrow raising.

"Crash here..? Tonight?" You question, noticing Elliott's shift in stance.

He looks down at the ground for a moment before scratching his neck.

"Yeah so.. when I took you out to your bus, it turns out they locked the doors behind us because they thought we were both leaving for the night. My keys were in there." He let out a sigh as he finished.

You tilted your head.

"And how did you find out where I lived?" A sly smirk appearing on your features.

"Uhm.. (Y/N).. you told me where you lived when we were talking. You said you lived next to Octavio." Elliott let out a laugh as he held his chest.

The smirk that was once plastered on your face was now gone, and instead an embarrassed blush crept in.

"Ah, shit. I forgot about that. Im sorry. But yes you may stay here, you will have to sleep on the couch though if that's okay." You turned and walked to your couch, sitting down as you prepared yourself to eat.

Elliott walked in a few moments later, closing the door behind him. He then made his way over to where you were sitting and plopped himself a decent distance away from you.

"If you'd like any of this you can have some. I may not eat it all and I'd hate for it to go to waste." You say, glancing over at the brunette who seemed anxious.

He smiled and shook his head a little bit.

"I'm alright. Thank you though I really appreciate the offer. If you don't eat it all I may eat some, if not I can put it away for you- that is if you want me to of course I wouldn't want to-" he got cut off by another knock at the door.

You let out a small laugh at his expression, getting up and walking over to your door. As you open it your heart dropped.

"Octavio?" You asked, fully opening the door.

He looked pissed, his brows were furrowed and his his eyes held something you've not seen before.

"What are you doing here?" You question, looking over at the clock and then back at him.

His eyes flick behind you and he sees Elliott on the couch, causing his features to soften a bit. He then wrapped his arms around your waist, giving you a warm hug.

"I was worried about you." He said lowly, only you being able to hear.

"I texted you, silly." You smiled, pulling away from the hug and motioning for him to come in.

Your heart was being like crazy, why did he hug you so casually? Not that you were complaining, it just caught you off guard.

He walked towards your couch and greeted Elliot. They touched their forearms in an 'X' formation as they said hi.

"Ah, my phone died a few hours ago and I couldn't find a charger. That's my bad. Im just glad you're okay, chica." Octavio sat next to the brunette and began talking to him.

(He sat next to the side of Elliot that would make him in middle of the both of you.)

You closed the door and walked back over to the couch, finally being able to eat your food.

"So how did your guys' meeting go?" Tavi asks, his head swiveling back and forth between the both of you.


Elliott and you started speaking at the same time.

"You can go ahead, that's my bad." He said, a wide smile on his face.

"You're alright." You respond. "It went really well, we got a lot done, and I can't wait to go further with the design."

Elliott nodded, smiling proudly.

"Although revenant ended up scaring us half to death. Which was NOT cool." He added.

You let out a small laugh as you remembered his face.

"It sounds like you two had a nice time, I'm glad to hear that." Tavi said, a warm smile on his features.

You picked your food back up and finished eating, the three of you chatting here and there about random things and your legend details.

After you had finished eating you stood, stretching and turning your body towards the boys.

"I heard you guys have a match tomorrow, are you excited?" You say, picking up your trash.

They both nod.

"I love those things. They get my heart racing like crazy." Octavio replied, his legs starting to bounce.

"Yeah but you always get eliminated in the silliest ways- one- one time he used his jump pad and flew right into a river of lava." Elliot argued, laughing mid sentence as he pushed Tavi's shoulder.

You laughed with him, glancing at the adrenaline filled boy. He seemed embarrassed, scratching the back of his neck.

"That was ONE time. Let it go bro."

You rolled your eyes as you threw your trash away in the kitchen, heading up the stairs after telling the boys you were going to bed.

You of course gave Elliott a spare blanket and pillow, as you weren't a complete monster.

After changing into comfortable clothes and getting settled in bed, you hear a soft knock at your door.

You grumble, your eyes at the brink of sleep.

The door opens and you hear metal legs clink in on your hard wood flooring.

"Hey, hermosa. Mind if I sleep with you?"

You don't reply, you just open your arms as if to invite him in your warm space.

You hear him laugh and crawl into your bed next to you. You gasp suddenly, eyes widening as your legs touched his. They were freezing.

"Sorry! I totally forgot to take them off." He apologizes and get back up, quickly slipping them off before returning to your embrace.

He wraps one arm around your waist, pulling your body flush against his. Your stomach literally guts up with butterflies, and you rest your head against his chest.

He smelled like his apartment, yet slightly different. And you loved it.

"You're so sweet to me." You mumble, your voice coming out quiet and breathy.

"Of course I am Y/N. You're everything I've ever dreamt of."

You smiled, finally falling asleep as you two listened to each other's breath.
A/N: YIPPEEEE I'm sorry it was delayed for so long guys 😱 I'll be starting a one shot book to keep you guys entertained when I've no motivation for this silly little book.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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