Chapter 18

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You stare at him for a moment, and then you give him a smile.

"In your dreams." you said, giving him a small laugh. He pouted and laid back on the couch.

"Hurry up and look at the ideas i came up with, i want your input." he said, closing his eyes as he waited.

You rolled your eyes slightly and start to go through the ideas that Octavio had wrote.

Some were actually pretty decent, while others... not your style. But after going through them all, you saw one that really caught your eye. You begin to mix a few ideas and then excitedly look at Tavi, who has been watching you look through his notes.

"So, i think i've come up with my passive, tactical, and ultimate." you say, looking back down at the notes.

"Oh yeah? Shoot." Tavi said, repositioning himself on the couch.

"Okay, so my passive. Name: Invisibility. When my teammates get scanned by bloodhound, crypto's drone, or any map hack, i don't show up. which can give me the upper hand and the element of surprise. I'm also an offense character." You finished with your passive, and you looked for approval in Octavio's expression.

He nodded happily.

"Sounds cool!" he said, waiting for you to continue.

"My Tactical, Holographic Aura. I can disguise myself as someone i've just downed who's teammates are still alive. The aura lasts for 10 seconds and the person's teammates can't tell that i'm an imposter. The aura disappears after i begin to deal damage. It also has a 10 second cool down, and i can't disguise myself as the same person twice in a row, not too op." You say, pausing for a moment.

Octavio nods at you and you continue.

"My ultimate would be called 'Aura's Shield', and when i activate it i get a shield that can endure up to 100 damage. It also automatically disguises me as someone I've just downed, and lasts for 25 seconds. I can only deal 100 damage before the shield goes away, though. It takes 2 minutes to fully charge up as well." you smile, proud of this idea you had going.

"Honestly.. you sound like you'd be the coolest legend out here." Tavi said, playfully pushing your shoulder.

"Yeah, but i have no clue what i would wear or my legend name." you replied, thinking for a moment.

"Why not have it named after your abilities? Like.. Aura or something?" Tavi began to reach for his mechanical legs.

"That's.. actually not a bad idea. I think that would be great. But.. legend fit is a different scenario." You say, picking up the other one of his legs as you give it to him.

"Who knew you could be so smart." You tease, getting a scoff as a response.

"But it sounds like you'd have to work with Elliott for these type of abilities and everything. Which, should be okay. He specializes in that type of gear, so i wouldn't be much help. Also try going to Renee, Ajay, or Loba for your costume ideas, they've got a better female fashion sense than i do." Octavio said, clicking on his left leg.

You nod with enthusiasm. You were so excited. But before you got too hasty you need to text the directors your abilities and name, so that they could introduce you without any troubles.

You quickly got out your phone and began to email them all your info, and then made sure to add on that it might take a bit to design. You also added that you didn't have any costume ideas yet. You sent the email and looked at Octavio who had just finished clicking on his right leg. If they had any tweaks they wanted to do, you didn't really mind. You wanted everything to be fair.

"I really should get going. I need to shower. Do you perhaps have Elliot's number?" you said, standing up as you scratched your scalp.

Tavi nodded as he grabbed his phone from the table and opened it. After he told you the phone number you decided to text Elliott right away.

'Hey! This is Y/N. I was wondering if you could maybe help me with my legend abilities. I feel like you'd be pretty good at it.' You texted, rereading it before sending.

"Alright Tavi, i better go. Thank you for having me over. Let's do it again some time." You said, leaning down and giving him a quick hug.

He gently patted your back as he smiled widely.

"Of course hermosa, it was my pleasure. come over any time." he said, watching you as you walked out his door.

As you walked back to your apartment you heard your phone go off. You waited to look at it until you were in your apartment, sitting down on the couch.

'woah of course. i mean yeah i'm pretty good at it, i mean, i'm good at a lot of things' you saw Elliott's reply and let out a soft giggle.

He seemed pretty excited, and you couldn't say you weren't.

Elliott and you had texted about where you guys were gonna meet, and when, so you felt like you had a bit of time to get ready. he said to be at the apex headquarters at 3 pm, and it was currently 1 pm.

So, you decided to take a shower. not only because you felt you needed one, but because you wanted to look at least a little bit presentable meeting Elliott for the third time ever.

(Small time skip)

You were currently putting on some clothes, just a white t-shirt and some sweatpants. nothing too flashy.

"I look fine, right?" you ask yourself as you look in the mirror. You shook your head of the small amount of negative thoughts piling as you smile.

You were so excited.

(A/N): Heeeyyyy guys, i'm sorry it's been like a month since i've updated. things got hectic and i didn't have time for it. but, i hope you guys like what i came up with for Y/N 's legend details ! a lot more will be clarified and tweaked later on, but please give me your thoughts. also, there's not a lot of fan service in this chapter as i wanted to get the legend things clarified. i'm sorry about that. hope you all enjoy.

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