Chapter 19

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You walked out of your house towards the bus stop, a few thoughts scattering your mind as you did so. You haven't really hung out with anyone other than Octavio, so it might be a little awkward.

Even so, you know that it would be alright. Elliott is really good at socializing, as you noted when you first met him. Although.. you didn't know what to expect from him. Your thoughts subsided as you got on the bus that pulled up, smiling at the driver before taking your seat.

You then check your phone, seeing you had quite a bit of time to get there.

'I hope he's able to help me create something really cool.' you thought as the bus began driving.

You were the only one on it, which you had thought was a little odd but you didn't dwell on it.

It didn't take long for you to get to your destination, which wasn't a surprise to you. You swiftly got off the bus after paying the driver, giving him a sweet smile.

"Here we go." you say to yourself, in a rather reassuring way.

You open the doors and walk in, smiling at the woman at the desk before making your way past her. You were going to the same place you had met everyone earlier in the week.

"Elliott?" you say softly, wondering where that boy was.

You continue to walk until you feel a hand on your shoulder, making you jump and quickly turn around as your hands were up in a karate type position.

"Woah there, Y/N! It's Elliott! Have mercy!" The brown haired boy pleaded as he laughed.

"Gosh, don't sneak up on me like that! and I called for you! Why didn't you answer me you monster?" You laugh as you look at his outfit.

He was wearing a hoodie with some sweatpants, along with some sneakers.

You rolled your eyes as he then began to lead you to his office.. room.. looking place.

You guys had some small talk before you had reached the room, and Elliott seemed to already be comfortable in your presence. You were comfortable in his, as well.

"Allllrighty, fill me in on the details of your legend stuffs." he said, sitting in his rolling chair as he gave himself a few spins.


A few hours have went by, and it was already 7 pm. You and Elliott have already made design plans for your tech and you were happy to say it was going well. But, it was getting rather late and you were starting to get a headache with all this thinking.

"So, I think we've made some pretty good progress, no?" You say, turning towards him as if to question him.

He looks at you and gives you a smile.

"Of course, you're working with me after all." The brunette answers, giving you finger guns.

"Well then I suppose we should stop for today. It's getting late and I'm so ready to order some food." You stretch and sigh, hearing your bones crack.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Would you like me to walk you out to the bus?" He asks politely, standing up from his chair.

You think for a moment, wondering if you should trouble him with that or not.

"If it doesn't bother you too much." You say, smiling to him as you stand.

He shook his head.

"Oh please, it's not a bother at all, silly." He says as he stood, stretching.

As you walk out of his room you notice a figure in the left corner of the area. You tilt your head, waiting for Elliott to catch up to you.

"Hey, you know who that is?" You asked cautiously, kind of freaked out.

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