Chapter 16

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You felt Octavio stir on your lap, and then you made eye contact with him.

"Shit i didn't know you were awake oh my god." You say, quickly covering your face out of embarrassment.

You heard him chuckle, the vibrations from this throat making you shiver.

"You think i'm cute, hm?" Tavi said, his voice raspy and deep.

You felt your heart flutter as you peek at him through your fingers.

He was now laying on his back, looking up at you with a hint of something you couldn't quite place.

"Well, i-" You started, but quickly stopped yourself before continuing.

You seemed to have riled him up way more than usual. He was wide awake as he stared up at you. He was just on the verge of passing out, what the hell man.

"Don't be shy, what is it?" Tavi teased, his eyes never leaving your face.

You cleared your throat and moved your hands. It was hot and you knew he could see how much he was messing with you.

"Nope i didn't say anything." you say, trying to cover up the obvious fact that you called him cute.

You watched as he sat up, rubbing where his metal legs joined on his thighs.

"Oh come on (Y/N), i want to hear you call me cute while knowing i'm listening." He said, wincing a bit as he squeezed the area he was just rubbing.

You got distracted, worried he was in pain.

"Tavi, you know you can take them off. I can see you wincing." You said, glancing down at his legs.

"Are you sure? i don't want to make you uncomfortable.." Octavio sighed, insecure of the thought of not having his legs on around you.

"Trust me, i don't mind. as long as you're comfortable that's all that matters. so please, do what you have to." you reassured him as you lifted your hand up to rub at his back to further help him out.

He seemed hesitant, really hesitant. He visibly shook his head as he started messing with the metal.

After a few seconds, you heard a pop and he let out a groan of pain. "These things can get really uncomfortable.. especially since i have to run in them so often." Tavi said, setting the leg down beside the couch.

After a few more seconds his other one popped off, and he let out another groan as you saw him wince.

"I'm sorry, Tavi." You said, wishing you could help in some

He just shook his head and turned to you, a sweet smile on his face.

"Thank you." he said, his green eyes bright with adoration.

"For? I didn't do anything." you replied curiously.

"Trust me, you did way more than you think you did just now." He replied, moving to sit next you.

You tilted your head at him and furrowed your eyebrows.

"What did i do?" you asked, still very confused.

Octavio shook his head looked down, smiling like a little school girl.

"Awh look at that smile." you said, letting out a soft laugh.

"Wait what? Now you're calling my smile cute?" Tavi asked, looking back up at you.

His eyes were wide, almost as if he didn't believe you said what you did.

"Whaat? i did nothing of the sort, you need to sleep. i think you're starting to hear things." you tease, standing up.

He threw his head back in frustration and covered his face with his hands.

"Why do you do this to me?" he questioned as he looked back to you.

You didn't answer him and just laughed, walking over to in front of him.

"You need to sleep." you said simply as you sat down on his lap.

You didn't give him any time to say anything before wrapping your legs around his waist and pulling him sideways, causing you two to lay down face to face on the couch.

You two stared at each other for a few minutes, just taking in your presences'.

You then started to doze off after a, exhausted from the eventful day you had.

"Me estás haciendo ir loco, hermosa." you heard Octavio say as he wrapped his arms around your waist loosely.

You were obviously unsure what he said, but you knew he called you beautiful. And that made you smile as you fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.

(A/N): Guys please help me figure out Y/N's abilities and legend outfit, i'm going blank on what they could be.

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