Chapter 4

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After you and Octane get off the train he begins leading you through a city. You look around in awe as you pass all these beautiful buildings and Octane looks at you.

"Beautiful, i know." He says, his eyes on you. You look over at him and smile.

"I've never been in an area like this, it's new to me. But definitely beautiful." You reply.

He then leads you to a set of apartments, leading you up a stairwell.

"Now," he began "This is my room." he points at a door that has a poster on it and stops walking, his legs still making him bounce a bit.

He then turns his body as he points at the door next to his. You notice it had all your luggage outside of it.

"And that, is yours amiga."

You look at him confused.

"I know you might be wondering why we have our living spaces near each other but the director told me he wanted us to live close so i could help you if you needed it." he seemed to answer your question after seeing your face.

"That's reasonable." You said.

But did it have to be right next door? You personally didn't mind, but you didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

"Are you okay with it? I don't want to make you feel like you have to live so close to me." you stated, letting your thoughts loose.

He scratched his neck and got a bit more bouncy.

"Actually...i was the one to ask for you to live there." He said, looking at the ground for a second and then back up at you. He seemed worried.

"Oh! But don't get me wrong, if you don't like that i'll make sure to get you moved somewhere else. Te lo prometo." He said, his foot tapping the ground quickly.

You tilt your head, unsure of what the last part of his sentence meant but you didn't ask.

"No Tavi, i was saying that for you, in case you didn't want to live this close. Trust me i have no problem with it. That means we'll have more time to hang out and chill, y'know?" you reassured him, and you notice a change in his posture.

He stood up a bit and smiles at the use of his nickname.

"Fantástico!" he exclaims, now bouncing back and forth. You smile at him and nod your head.

You then feel your stomach growl. 'oh god that's embarrassing.' you thought, beginning to quickly walk to the door of your apartment.

"Uh Tavi, do you know my door combo?" you ask, wanting to drive the attention away from the fact you forgot to eat all day.

You heard Octavio chuckle as he took a couple steps towards you.

"I don't know it, but the director said he'd send you an email with it." he rested a hand on his hip.

"Until then, why don't we get you some food? And this time let's see how fast you can go."

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・❥Hermosa. (Octane x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now