Chapter 8

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You wake up to loud, and fast knocking at your door. You sit up rather quickly, as it had scared you and you rub your eyes.

You get out of bed and grab your phone, checking the time.

"Seven Thirty?" Why is someone knocking at your door at 7:30 am?

You quickly brush your hair and teeth, making yourself look at least a little bit presentable before you go to answer the door. As you walk up to the door you hear what sounds like mumbling.

You pause and instead of opening up the door, you press your ear against it. After a few seconds you hear the mumbling again.

"¡Idiota! no sé por qué la dirías eso. Aunque es verdad, ella probablemente piense que ahora es raro. Yo no pue-"

It was Octavio, he was out there mumbling in Spanish and you had no idea what he was saying. You open the door to reveal him wearing a green hoodie that had black accents on it and some black sweatpants that he had cut. (They were cut right above where his mechanical legs started).

He had nothing covering his face or hair this time and you were very surprised to say the least. His features were just as attractive as the first time you saw them, but this time his hair was out.

His hair looked really soft, and it was brown with green tips. It was messy, but a good looking messy. Honestly nothing about this man looked bad.

He immediately got stiff when you opened the door, and smiled nervously while rubbing the back of his neck.

He looked at you in your pajamas and the corners of his mouth softened his smile.

You tilt your head at him.

"What were you mumbling about? And why are you here at 7:30?" You asked him, scratching your face a bit.

He paused and began nervously playing with his hands as he became more bouncy.

"Uhm.. all of us legends are going to breakfast.. would you like to come with us?" he asked, his voice having a cautious undertone to it.

You smile brightly as you nod, you were excited!

"Of course! Let me get dressed. I won't be long, so you can come sit on the couch." You invite him in and we walks in, going over to the couch and sitting down.

You watch him sit as you begin walking upstairs to your bedroom. You change into a black hoodie and some skinny jeans, nothing too crazy. After you put on your shoes you then make some finishing touches to your hair and face as you walk back down the stairs.

You look over to see Tavi with his headphones in, blasting some music. You smile at him and quietly sneak over behind him.

He's looking at his phone and is completely oblivious to the fact you were about to sneak up in him.

You think for a moment, what would get him the most flustered? You know what to do as you smile mischievously.

You quickly sit on the top of the couch with your legs in the side of Octavio's head, and you intertwine your fingers in his hair. Before he can move his head you squeeze your thighs together, which causes his face to get squished.

He froze, and lifted his head up, looking at your face as you tugged on his hair a bit as you almost fell backwards. His face was the BRIGHTEST red you could ever imagine and he had his hands and phone on his lap. You can tell his mind went blank.

"What's up Tavi? What are you listening to?" You ask, like you didn't just do what you did.

He stays silent for a minute as if he's trying to keep his composure. He closes his eyes for a second and then opens them.

He hangs his head and bites his lip. "I-..Mindless S-Self Indulgence." He stuttered, making you giggle.

Your crotch was right against the back of his neck, and as you laughed he felt it.

He suddenly stood up very quickly, knocking you off the back of the couch and onto the floor.

"¡Joder! Are you okay Y/N?" He exclaimed, jumping over the back of the couch as he kneeled beside you.

You sat up and nodded, holding your side.

"I'm really sorry chica, i didn't mean to knock you back. You just surprised me and I f-"

He interrupted himself.

"Never mind that, give me your hand."

After getting you to your feet he leaned against the side of the couch and hung his head.

"I'm really sorry. Perdóname." He said, his voice low.

You smile and shake your head.

"Tavi you're good, I did that to tease you but i didn't expect to be getting thrown to the floor." You laugh again and look at him.

You take in his features again, seeing how his face is a deep red.

Well, you couldn't tell, but he was doing the same to you. He was admiring your features.

(A/n): I got really distracted in writing this chapter, oopsies 😱

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