Chapter 9

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After a few seconds you look down, a bit flustered all of a sudden.

"Uh- Tavi we should get going. Don't want them waiting too long on us." You manage to say.

After doing so, you look back up at him. He had a sly smile on his face.

"Aye, what are you smiling at you weirdo?" You ask, a bit more nervous now.

"Ah nada, nada. But sí let's get going." He replied, that same sly smile still on his face.

You walk over to your door and open it, letting Octavio walk first through the door. After he walked out you do the same, making sure to turn around and lock your door.

You two begin walking in silence, although you were technically following him since you didn't know where you guys were going.

"So.. where exactly is this place?" you ask, sneaking a small peak over at the man beside you.

"It's a restaurant that us legends always go to, it's amazing. Very spacious and really well decorated." Octavio answered, turning his head to you as he spoke.

"I asked where it was, not what it was." You giggled.

Tavi let out a small huff of embarrassment.

"Right..uh.. well if I told you then you wouldn't even really understand where it is anyways so.."

You rolled your eyes and nodded as you guys continued to walk. It seemed like it might've been a few minutes away but you didn't mind. You liked his presence.

After those few minutes passed, you guys arrived at a pretty large place.

As you guys walked inside you saw all of the legends in casual clothing. You look around and you notice that the place is most definitely beautifully decorated.

"You weren't kidding." You say, following Octavio to a booth next to everyone.

He nods at you and greets everyone, you do the same.

You look over at Natalie and wave, but she looks away, clearly pissed off. You shake her off and sit down in a booth across from Bloodhound and Walter.

"Hello Y/N. How has your morning been?" Bloodhound asks.

You smile at them and notice that they're still wearing their legend outfit, although it was a slight alteration to it, it looked more comfy.

"My morning has been.. interesting. What about you?" You respond as Octavio sits next to you.

You hear the smile on Bloodhound's face as they respond.

"My morning has been excellent so far. I've been I
with Walter for the majority of it.  Thank you for asking."

You nod and you begin talking to many of the other legends; excluding Natalie since she seemed extremely angry for some reason.

After a few minutes the food you all ordered comes and you all start to eat, and you have to say.. it was absolutely delicious.

-Small time skip (Filler)-

You guys have all finished your food, and you all are just talking and laughing before you have to use the bathroom. You turn and tap Octavios shoulder, and say in a low tone

"I have to go to the bathroom, could you move out of the way?"

It was pretty loud in there, and Octavio couldn't hear you. He turned his head towards you and tilted his head, confused. But he then leaned his body closer to yours, making sure his right ear was next to your lips as his face was on the side of yours.

You paused, nervous all of a sudden. He then pushed his lips against your ear.

"What did you say, hermosa?" His voice was raspy yet airy at the same time, and it sounded at least two octaves deeper than normal.

It sent a chill down your spine.

"I-I.. have to use the bathroom.. Could you move?" you manage to say.

He then chuckles lowly, playing with his tongue piercing for a second. That causes you to mentally panic, and you don't even have to see to know that your face is as red as red gets.

You simply nod, sure that if you spoke nothing above a whisper would come out. You can feel him smile and then he moves out of the booth, standing beside the seat.

Octavio's looking down at you while swirling his tongue, using his teeth to play with his piercing. You quickly slide out of the booth and walk to the bathroom, you were extremely embarrassed and flustered. You had to get out of that situation before it could be too much for you to handle.

You use the restroom and wash your hands, looking at yourself in the mirror for a minute. Your face was extremely hot so you splashed some cold water on it. It also helped your nerves.

As you walked out, you glanced over at the booth you were seated and you pause. Your eyes widen and your heart drops. Why? Because Natalie is over there, sitting on Octavio's lap.

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