Chapter 17

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As you open your eyes, you slowly begin to look around. You weren't in the living room any more, but you were in what seemed to be a bedroom.

As you sit up to get a better understanding of where you were, you look down and see that you are indeed in someone else's bed. You then smiled, remembering what happened last night.

'So this must be Tavi's room, huh?' you thought, taking a deep breath. it smelled just like him, and you loved it.

You smiled as you got out of the bed, slowly walking to the door of the room. it had a poster on it, one of a bunny with a jet pack on.

'Cute.' You thought.

You walk out of the bedroom and to the living room, where you see Tavi still asleep on the couch. you were surprised to see this, knowing him he'd be up and already running places. You guess he was really exhausted.

'Why did he take me to his bed.. it's his place what the hell.' you thought as you walked over to him.

You noticed his metal legs sitting up against the side of the couch, and he was laying there with his shirt off.

You stood there for a minute, looking at his features. Your eyes began to travel down his body, to his chest.. and then to his abs.

Your face began to heat up as you noticed how long you were staring. you then quickly walked into his kitchen, deciding you'd make some breakfast.

You try your best to find all the ingredients, noting that you'd be making pancakes with some bacon.


After the breakfast was made, you make two plates of it and take both of them over to where Tavi was laying.

You then set the plates on the table and kneel down beside the couch, looking at the green haired boy beside you.

"Tavi." You said softly, careful not to startle him that much as you tried to wake him. But to your dismay, it didn't wake him at all. he didn't even move.

"Tavi..?" you said a bit more loud, placing a hand on his chest. He slowly reaches his hand up to yours, opening his eyes and looking over at you.

"Ah.. good morning Y/N.." Octavio said, his voice deep and raspy as he just woke up. Your face got hot rather quickly as you looked away and pulled your hand off his chest. "I..I made us some breakfast.. so hurry up and eat." you said, trying to bring his attention to something else.

He slowly sat up, scratching his head as a small smile grew on his face.

"Wow.. thank you so very much." the adrenaline addict said, reaching for a plate.

"Of course, now eat up. I actually didn't expect you to be sleeping in so late. You don't seem to be the kind to do that. Also why did you take me to your bed instead of you sleeping there?" you asked, beginning to eat your own food.

You notice him flush a bit, as he reached over to a notepad he had sitting on his table.

"Well.. that's because i was up all night. i was.. i was making up some ideas for your legend details." he said, ignoring your question as if he was embarrassed.

You gasped, taking the notepad out of his hands gently, as if it was about to break any second.

"No you did not." you said in disbelief, your smile so wide it began to hurt your cheeks.

"Oh but i did. I hope you like them. i thought of quite a bit, so you can pick and choose any you'd like. or if you don't like any of them i can tr-" you cut his ramblings short by pecking his cheek sweetly.

He completely froze up, as his face became the most deep red you have ever seen on someone's face.

"I know i'll love them. so thank you so very much, apuesto." you said, a small giggle leaving your lips as you saw him struggle.

"I-I.. you.." he stuttered, making you smile even wider than before.

There's no way this boy was acting like this over a peck on the cheek. It was absolutely adorable.

"That is so not fair of you." Tavi said, pouting like a little baby.

"How come? it was me paying you back for doing this for me!" you said, a gentle smile on your face.

"Can i at least get one on my lips then?" He said, a smirk plastered on his attractive features.
(A/N): Hey everyone ! i'm sorry for the long ass delay, but i made this chapter decently long as payment. (Y/N)'s abilities and legend details will be revealed in the next chapter, so thank you to everyone who helped me by commenting some ideas. it means a lot to me that you guys want to help! i love you all <3

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