Chapter 15

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You froze and your face began to heat up. What did he just say? It seemed like your heart stopped beating.

You're sure he noticed your change in attitude and posture because he completely turned his body towards you and smiled again.

"Awh, what? Did i make you flustered? Qué mona." He teased some more, his leg bouncing up and down on the floor, totally contradicting his confident attitude.

You could tell this would go on for a while if you didn't do something about his teasing. So you decided you'd play his little game. Let's see who'd win.

You smile, scooting closer to him slightly and leaning forward. He didn't move, but you could tell he was nervous because his leg started to bounce faster.

"You know Tavi, you have really nice eyes." you say, lowering your voice slightly.

He jumped, and moved back slightly. He didn't say anything, though. You took that as a sign to keep going, so you began to crawl towards him, making sure to go as slow as possible.

He was struggling to keep his eyes on you, and became fidgety. Octavio's eyes were dark, finally settling on your features as he laid back on his elbows.

He let you crawl on top of him, one knee in between his legs and the other by his hip. Your face was about 6 inches apart.

"Hey, pretty girl." He said, his eyes landing on your lips.

You paused, inside of where to go from here. You weren't expecting to get this far.

He began leaning more towards your face, and his smirk grew more and more visible as he did so. You didn't move your face away, you wanted to win.

Your faces were mere centimeters away, and you don't know why, but you wanted this to happen. you wanted his lips to connect with yours.

Your lips grazed each other's as he let out a deep sigh he didn't know he was holding in. Your heart was beating like crazy and you closed your eyes. ready for anything that was about to happen. He reached his hand up to your face and cupped your cheek, slightly turning his head.

And you two were going to kiss, but sadly everything was short lived as you two heard a knock at the door.

He jumped up, and you pulled away.

"i-i guess that's the pizza?" you said, letting a small sigh leave your lips.

"I suppose, un momento." Tavi said as he walked towards the door.

He opened it and was having a short conversation with the delivery guy, but you weren't paying much attention to them. You lifted your hand and grazed your fingers against your lips, trying to remember what the smallest amount of his felt like.

It made your stomach go crazy. After the conversation was done, Octavio was walking over towards you with a pizza in one hand and a two liter of soda in the other.

"Ready for that movie?" he asked you. you nodded and grabbed a piece of the pizza, happily biting into it.

It was reaaalllyy good pizza.

~(Time skip for convenience)~

The move was halfway done, the pizza box had a few pieces left, and the soda was halfway gone. It was nice, being here with Tavi. you noticed him swaying a little in place, his eyes fluttering shut and opening at the same pace.

You chuckled and tilted your head.

"Tavi." You said, your voice tender and sweet.

He groggily looked over at you, his green eyes looking tired and worn out as if he hadn't slept all night.

"come here." you patted your lap, and he moved towards you with a questionable look on his face.

"wha?" he asked, clearly confused.

His voice was raspy and he seemed like he didn't know what he was saying.

"Lay your head on my lap, stupid." you playfully said.

His eyes lit up and he suddenly had a huge smile on his face. He didn't say much but he made his way closer to you and laid his head on your lap, wrapping his arms around your waist as he snuggled into your stomach.

"Why're you so tired? It's cute." you quickly covered your mouth after you said that. Thankfully he was already fast asleep.

Or so you thought.

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