Chapter 2

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Before you knew it, you were being gently pushed awake. A little startled, you opened your eyes to see Mackey waking you.

"We've arrived, please get your things." he says, turning and getting off the plane.

You rub your eyes, almost forgetting what you were doing in an airplane.

"Oh." you suddenly remembered and stood up, getting your things together and getting off.

As you get off the plane you see a few black cars a little ways away from where you were.

"You'll have a personal escort when you get to the headquarters, so don't worry about having to find things yourself." you hear a familiar voice behind you. It was Mackey.

"Alright, thank you." you reply as you head towards the cars.

After getting to the headquarters you get greeted by a woman at a desk.

"Hello. You're Y/N L/N?" she asked. You then nodded as you walked up to her.

"Alright. Follow me, i'll take you to greet the other legends. You can then choose your escort." she stated.

What the fuck? Just like that you're gonna meet these famous people who kill each other in the arena for shits and giggles?

You stayed silent as you followed her, walking into a large round room with people in each portion. Your eyes darted around their faces, taking note of them all. They were wearing their legend outfits, and they were talking with one another.

"Everyone! This is your new fellow legend!" She raised her voice so that she could be heard over their talking. They all went silent and looked over at you.

"Go on and introduce yourself." she said.

"Uhm..My name is Y/N, it's nice to meet you all." You say, looking around at them all.

"Well, i'll leave you here. Get acquainted with everyone." The lady said as she left and shut the door.

Get acquainted with everyone? How the hell were you supposed to do that when you barely knew these people other than what you saw on tv?

Your thoughts got pushed aside as a man walked up to you.

"What's up, I'm Mirage. You can call me Elliot though." He says, holding his hand out for you to shake.

You smile at him and grab his hand, giving it a firm shake. "It's nice to meet you Elliot." You say back, noting his ability to socialize easily.

You then notice a few other legends walking up to you, eager to get to know you.

After you get to know everyone you notice there was one missing. There's usually 18 but there were only 17 present.

"Where's Octavio?" you hear Elliot ask Mary.

"Oh sweetheart, i don't know much of where that boy went." she replied.

"Well, (Y/n) you wanna come with me to go g-" he was interrupted by the doors slamming open and a man with robotic legs ran through them.

"Hola compadres! Sorry for being late!" he said, jogging up to you.

"You must be Y/N" he looked at you and tilted his head. You noticed he was also in his legend costume, his mask and goggles proving to you that it was just that. Your eyes wondered over his figure, noticing that his toned stomach was being shown. You immediately flicked your eyes back up to his face, not wanting to be caught.

"That's me." you say, smiling as you hold your arm out to shake his hand.

You notice him jumping slightly in place, almost like he couldn't stand being still for more than .5 seconds. He immediately grabbed your hand and gave you a soft yet firm shake.

"It's nice to meet you amiga, I'm Octavio.  It'll be fun to see what you can do in the arena." he says.

You could hear the smile in his voice. He had a nice and thick spanish accent, and it seemed to make your heart jump. His voice was a little raspy, like he was asleep before walking into the room.

The hell was this feeling? Why did you feel like your stomach had turned upside down?

"It'll be fun alright." you say, giving him a playful smile.

"Okay everyone! She has to pick an escort to take her around and show her places! I mean you know.. so she doesn't like.. get lost?" Elliot says, getting everyone's attention.

"Well.. how 'bout it?" Ajay says, giving you a warm smile.

"Hm.. can Octavio be my escort?" you ask, glancing over in his direction as you notice he is now jogging in place and doing a few jumping jacks.

"Awh man.. i was totally hoping you'd pick me. i mean.. i know the way around here too.. sometimes." Elliot whines, going to the far end of the room to sulk.

Octavio turns to you with excitement. "Come on amiga! Let's get you accustomed to the place."

He then starts to lead you out of the room.

⋆.ೃ࿔*:・❥Hermosa. (Octane x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now