Chapter 21- Christmas day

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It was just their luck for insane things to happen to them, the kind you'd only read in books. Vegeta was just relieved that his husband's cock was going to be alright because he was working through many scenarios in his head about his husband sore dick, and neither had a positive outcome.

After returning home from their embarrassing trip at the hospital where Goku was given some cream for his sore dick. It turned out whatever was in the toothpaste had caused some irritation. The two had done the walk of shame into their house to meet with the amused Bardock and Gine who couldn't hold back their snickers.

"Now remember boys, toothpaste is for brushing your teeth with," Gine smiled at them both while she was prepping the Christmas dinner for them to have the following day.

Gohan raised an eyebrow at his grandmother's comment before looking back at his parents' crimson faces, and from that alone he just knew no questions were needing to be asked.

"We know mom, we know," Goku said with a small titter.

"Well, I've prepared everything for dinner," Gine hummed and gave the two a hug while holding back another snicker as she could hear her son wince when she had brought him in for a hug first.

Vegeta kept himself composed while slowly dying inside and Goku let out a nervous titter when Bardock hooked his arms over both their shoulders pulling them both in for a hug.

"Don't fuck the Christmas dinner, we all want to eat tomorrow," Bardock said with a small smirk on his face, knowing he made the two uncomfortable.

Gine shook her head and smiled, "would you like me to put Goten to bed before your father and I leave?"

"Sure," Vegeta gave her a tight-lipped smile while screaming internally and questioning his life choices. Was he starting to have a food fetish now? More than likely, can anyone blame him though? Food is fuckworthy delicious.

He wasn't sure how long he had been standing there for, but he noticed Gine mumbling something to both him and his husband before making her way to the bathroom with Goten. Bardock grinned at him, noticing his blank stare.

"Were you thinking about how good food looks?" Bardock asked, raising a brow at him.

"No!" Vegeta instantly snapped back while mentally cussing, was this man a mind reader now?

Bardock grinned, shaking his head and patted them both on the back, "Never a dull moment with you pair." He chuckled and sauntered towards the fridge, helping himself to a bottle of beer.

Gohan sighed and smiled at his parents nervous looks, his grandfather was right — there was never a dull moment with them two. But that's what made his life more exciting, just never knew what he'd return home to, from his father chasing the raccoon around the house with a paintball gun, to his dad sneaking in snacks whenever his father was preoccupied.

Once Gine had finished bathing Goten and tucking him into bed, she swiftly left with Bardock who helped himself to more of the beers in the fridge before following Gine behind.The couple were left with their eldest who gave them the knowing look of - he knows what sex is and knows they had another incident that involved sex.

"So," Goku clapped his hands and smiled at his son, "you excited for --"

"I know Santa isn't real," Gohan interrupted, raising a brow at the surprised look on his parents' faces, for the last three years he's had to remind them of this. Then again, it beats him reminding them he knows what sex is.

Goku let out a slight titter, exchanging a look with Vegeta before smiling back at Gohan,"Right, of course, how could we forget, you knew this after you uh--"

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