In for a strike

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Ron's PoV.

People with smug faces, my way going back to the class were followed. 

"Ron, you're cheating on Maria?" Joshua exclaimed.

I ended up squishing his ear. Later that dismissal, Maria texted me that she'd visit my apartment for help on her projects. 

She knocked at the door and I opened, she still wore her uniform while I already was in my orange tank top and blue jumpers. I helped her with her projects since she helped me with mine and since I'm done with mine. (I only finished my projects ahead so I could help Maria with her's).

She stepped in, "So what happened with you in class," she asked, "I heard there was an... Incident.

I immediately panicked but I knew I didn't do anything wrong, "How did you know... and what are we talking about?" I asked her.

She showed me her phone which was a conversation between her and Joshua. Joshua sent a video of what happened during PE and messaged: Look what happened sa imo migo.

"Oh so that's what happened," I commented.

"Who is she?" Maria asked.

I panicked for some reason, "I don't even know her!" I screamed, "She's just a new mean student."

Maria walked to the living room, I tried to explain myself further.

"We have a connection," She told me with a worried look on her face, "If I knew that you were in trouble. I would have gone out of my way for you."

I stopped at my ground. I was kind of relieved that she cared.

She gently sunk her head into my chest. And I wrapped my arms around her. 

After a few seconds, she left my arms and we started doing her projects. While she was making her science project.

I was at my MacBook, preparing our vacation for the quarterly break. We decided to rent a hotel by the beach in California. Which I still haven't forgiven myself for not remembering the One Direction concert I attended. But when I reserved the dates, I miss-clicked and ended extending to September a far time from August. After helping Maria, I decided to finish my exams ahead of time. I approached the teachers and convinced them to give me my exams.

I spent my Thursday just finishing all my exams in the library. When I was done Maria met up with me, "Want to eat lunch together tomorrow?" she suggested to me.

"Aren't we doing that every day?" I told her.

She laughed and snorted, "I mean just the two of us like... a date," she emphasised.

"So that would be our first date in school, with no third wheelers?" I asked.

She nodded yes.

After finishing my quarterly projects, I took her to her village in my car and went back to my suite.

Now it was Friday. While my classmates were doing projects, I was sitting at my seat, legs above the table and texting Maria. (I had no worries since I have already finished mine) I slapped my legs to like show off that I was just chilling.

Later that lunch, I met up with her, a long sling bag hung by her shoulder but she was in her phone speaking to the phone, "I don't care anymore, I have a chance now," she told the caller, "I have him. I won't let anything stop me, I already have everything handled and I'm taking the opportunity." She then ended her call and noticed me.

I was about to ask but she approached me "It's just my dad not approving of us," she explained.

"What about your mom?" I asked her.

She stayed silent, bit the button of her lips and I changed the subject.

We went to the same cafe where I first stalked her. We shared a cake and ate some steak with a gravy filling the garlic rice.

After eating lunch I opened the glass door for her, held her hand and wondered what exciting things would happen next for us. Maria was texting at her friends, probably chatting about our date.

"Hey I know a short cut," she told me, she then cheerfully dragged me to the construction area where they were renovating the old building.

She cleared a torn construction curtain that showed a pathway, "This leads straight into a bush area near gate 5 plus the workers are in a break," she whispered.

But I checked my phone and it was twenty minutes before warning bells.

"I have to do something to you that nobody should know," she told me. 

For a second I was confused but then transitioned to a dumb smile.

She then pulled me in. As we walked at the unfinished building. Just the two of us which kind of reminded of the incident and I was already making the face to talk about it again.

Maria noticed it, "Ron I know, but you promised to not hurt and I trust you on that," she calmed me down.

And for a moment it felt like everything just went into a state of euphoria, time slowed down just to take in the scenery of she and I, just near each other, at the side of our path was an unfinished building. And a random thought crossed my mind, I wondered that maybe by the time this would be finished, I would be in a much better point in my life... Hopefully, Maria has some part in that.

A few steps hurt further. 

A sound of a blade being unsheathed pierced through the winds.

My right leg was slashed and I kneeled to the ground, "Arrggghhhh!" I let out a scream of anguish. Two girls came out from the shadows, one was a tall blonde girl with chubby cheeks, while the other was a short brunette.

Both stretched my arms apart to both sides. Maria walked in front of me holding a dagger similar to my guardian's blade, stained in a blue glowing liquid which I'm guessing was my blood since the same fluids were coming out from the slash on my leg. Maria had a devilish grin on her face the likes of which I had only seen... from a Selrius.

I was mustering my words to ask her should I start with a what, a how, a why

She looked up and let out an evil laugh and she looked down, her hair swung forward, "Did you really think I loved you?" she taunted, "You were nothing more than an obstacle," she raised her blade and slowly tapped it flat against her palm, which my blood stained her skin, "An opportunity... that I AM... taking."

She pointed the sharp tip of the blade below my chin, the tip caressed a small part of my chin, she lowered her gaze to look down me in the eye, I locked in to her beautiful brown eyes that I still am mesmerized by, she grinned, "And thanks to you promising to not hurt me." She raised her blade, ready to strike me down the light shimmered and flashed one of my eyes. I was terrified, wished this was just a big prank and I might end up being kissed but just when the blade came imminent to piercing through me. My protective instincts kicked in and I let out sparks of electricity flying in all directions which knocked the three to the stony ground.

I was like a mad beast. I was no longer scared, I was now angry; my mind felt untamed. I shot beams of electricity towards blonde and brunette. I didn't know if I was too much or too weak but either way, they were laying on the floor. 

I narrowed my eyes towards Maria, gritting my teeth. I let out my own devilish crackle and approached my Maria. She was laying on the floor, one arm against the rocky floor, the other motionless. she tried to reach for the dagger but I blasted it away. I raised my arm, charging the most powerful bolt of electricity I could ever generate. I could feel the surge of power, even the clouds began to move in a clockwise movement, darkening in every motion, letting out a sound of thunder. As I charged my bolt, I looked into Maria's terrified eyes. Happy memories of us flashed before eyes which outmatched the feeling I had just a few minutes ago.

A thought struck my mind, reminding me that this was a girl I loved even though...she didn't love me back.

And on a split second, I decided to use the charged up ball to instead create a big explosion. The unfinished concrete walls came falling down, there were no screams of pain since the workers left for lunch. All there was were the sound of the gray ragged structure crumbling down. And I was gone. Along with Maria.

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