It Sparked

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     "Mr. Barrow!" Anna looked down the hall, heading down it as she looked. She nearly ran into Jimmy as he came out of another room and stopped him. "Have you see Mr. Barrow?"

     "No. Why would I have?" Jimmy responded defensively, walking away. Anna sighed, continuing to search. Normally, she wouldn't be bothering with Thomas. He'd made his decisions after all, and she had to take her husband's side when it came to their quarrels. Now was not one of those times. 

      She took a look around the servant's hall but was unable to find him. Shaking her head, she looked at the people who were there. "Have any of you seen Mr. Barrow?" 

       "I might have." Thomas had come in from smoking just in time to hear Anna's inquiry. "What do you need?"

        "Dr. Clarkson just called looking for you." She said, causing her to be met with a confused look. "Teddy's in the hospital."


       Theodore smiled as he looked over the first copy of their school newspaper, his article sitting on the front page. After all of the work he had put into it, it was elating to see it on their final product. 

       "That's it, everyone!" Ms. Gibson said, standing behind the children as they all were gathered around the paper. "We've done it!" Teddy grinned, looking over his shoulder at his teacher. She caught his eye and smiled back, so he pushed his way through his classmates to reach her. 

        "Thank you for coming up with the idea, Miss. And for including me." The woman smiled down at him and nodded. 

         "Of course, Teddy. I love having dedicated students. Such as yourself." Miss Gibson's gaze moved towards the clock, her eyes widening as she saw it. "Oh, would you look at that. Our school day ended a couple of minutes ago." She turned to the class, addressing them all. 

        "Alright, everyone! You can head home, and don't forget to do your reading tonight." The children moved, going to gather their things and head back. Teddy took his time, wanting to get one last look at the newspaper without the others around. And he did just that. Miss Gibson smiled at him from her desk as he carefully flipped through the pages, curiously looking at each addition his classmates had made to it. 

       "Have you considered writing as a career?" Teddy turned at the sound of his teacher's voice, shaking his head. 

       "No, ma'am. I've other interests that's I'm more focused on." 

       "Such as medicine?" Teddy tilted his head, hugging his books to his chest. "Your father told me that you've taken an interest in it." 

       "Oh, yes." Teddy said, smiling and nodding. "It's sparked something in me, I suppose. I can't get enough of the books I have." Miss Gibson smiled at that, nodding. 

       "Do you think there's a reason you've connected with it?" Teddy thought for a moment, placing his books on the desk next to him. 

       "I'm not sure. I suppose it started during the war, when my father was a medic. I thought it was amazing that someone had the power to help save other's lives. I still do." He said, sitting on the desk so that he was facing Miss Gibson. "And if the person helping others could be me, I would be honoured."

         "I see." The woman said, standing and moving to erasing the writing on the chalkboard. "That's nice to know, Theodore. But, don't let me keep you, head on home. Do your homework." She looked at him pointedly with a smile on her face. 

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