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     Teddy and his friends had taken to spending time together after school now as well until they had to go home for meals or whatever other reasons. So, Theodore sat with Abigail, Everett and Percy in a circle, books sitting behind them, rolling a ball to each other.

     "I'm sorry that you got caught, Teddy." Percy was saying from his spot next to Theodore. He had finally decided to tell Abigail and Everett as well, which he probably should have done sooner, as their friends both offered to have him eat an actual meal at their home whenever he wanted.

     "It's alright. I wasn't in as much trouble as I thought I would be." Teddy responded, rolling the ball across the circle to Everett, who then sent it to Percy.

     "I know, but still," Percy said, catching the ball and rolling it to Abigail. "It was my fault-"

     "You didn't choose to be hungry. It's alright. I promise." Percy had a small frown on his face, but he nodded, which Teddy took as the end of the conversation. He was just glad that everything had turned out alright for both Percy and himself.

     "Papa's going to London next week," Abigail said after a few moments of silence. "So we can probably play at my house." Abigail's mother was nice like that. She let them spend time playing inside, which not many parents would let happen.

     "That's dilly." Everett had a grin on his face. "There's so much we can do!"

      "As long as you don't break any of their things," Percy said, tossing the ball at Everett, who caught it right before it hit his face.

     "When have I ever broken anything?"

     "Well, let's see," Teddy said, beginning to tick them off on his fingers. "There was that time you hit Mr. Drake's window with your ball-"

     "Complete accident. Plus, my father paid to fix it."

     "Then you told us that you broke that one vase in your home."

     "It was hideous anyway."

     "There was that chair at school."

     "All I did was sit in it! It's not my fault I didn't know it was too old for that."

     "I think we've made out point," Percy said, as the three friends had been watching as Everett's face got redder with every example Theodore gave.

     "I dare say you have," Everett stated, looking at the ground. "I promise I'll try not to break any of your things, Abi."

     "Why thank you Everett. I'm flattered."

     Teddy arrived back at Downton that evening right before supper, as usual. The servants had been very open to letting him visit his friends for most of the day, probably because it kept him out of the way when they had work to do. After all, the war had been going on for years now and, although Teddy was older than he had been when it started, he was still too young to do the jobs Mr. Carson needed to be done.

     School books and slate under his arm, Teddy stopped at the door to bang any mud or dirt off of his shoes, as usual. As he was doing this, he couldn't help but notice the sudden stillness that seemed to cover the servant's hall. He couldn't see them yet, but he knew something was going on.

     Teddy may be the one who can untie all knots handed to him, but he found that the knots in his stomach were unfixable. He removed his hat from his head and walked into the room, wanting to know exactly what was going on.

     Walking into the servants' hall, everything seemed normal. Miss Anna sat with Mr. Bates, Carson and Mrs. Hughes stood at the head of the table, and Mrs. Patmore and Miss Daisy both were getting work done in the kitchen.

     What was different was the man standing next to Mrs. O'Brien. The man who caused Teddy to drop his books and just stare for a moment in disbelief. For there in the doorway to the servants' quarters was a man dressed in military uniform. A man by the name of Thomas Barrow.

     Before he knew it, Teddy was running around the table, crying out in joy as he ran into his father's arms. Thomas was ready, crouched down slightly, arms out as Teddy reached him, engulfing each other in one of the greatest hugs Theodore had ever experienced. Dad was home. He was home, and alive, with barely a scratch. He had appeared that way, at least.

      "What-but- how?" Teddy couldn't figure his words into sentences, but Thomas seemed to understand.

     "I got injured." He explained, releasing the hug and just looking at Teddy. "You have grown so much since I last saw you." Teddy smiled a bit.

     "Well, it has been a few years." Thomas nodded, returning to his full height and giving a nod to the other servants as he put a hand on Teddy's back.

     "Which means I have quite a bit to catch up on. Why don't we go for a quick walk and talk about it." Teddy smiled and nodded.

     His father was home. And this time, Teddy hoped, he was here to stay.

Barrow's Boy - A Downton Abbey FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now