The Last One You'd Expect

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     Bates was alone in the boot room when Teddy found him, polishing a pair of Lord Grantham's shoes. Teddy walked in, staring at the valet until he looked up from the shoes and at him. 

     "If this is some kind of punishment, then it's cruel." Bates put down the shoes, seeming to already know what Theodore was talking about.

     "I don't have your bear, Theodore," he said calmly, making Teddy wonder if this was the truth. "I haven't stolen anything from you and, honestly, if I had, it wouldn't be a stuffed animal that I haven't seen leave your room since the war."

      "What would you have taken then? Out of curiosity?" Bates thought for a moment, looking down at the shoes again. He continued his work on them as he responded. 

     "Something from Thomas, not you," he decided, setting the shoes to the side, now finished with them. He grabbed the next pair he was supposed to work on, then stopped as he noticed a knot in the laces. He fiddled with it as he spoke again.

     "Why? Because I'm an object of his creation?" 

     Bates smirked, shaking his head.

     "Something like that."

     Sick of watching Bates struggle with the knot, Teddy grabbed the shoe from him and untied the lace himself, then handed it back. 

     "Well, this talk was enlightening, but I'll let you get back to your work." With that, Teddy left, leaving Bates alone in the boot room once again.

     "Someone stole your bear?" Abigail was furious. "What kind of person looks at a child and says, 'oh, I'm going to steal this kid's one memory of his dead mother'."

     "Hey! I'm not a child," Teddy replied, although he couldn't stop himself from almost laughing at Abi's impression of who he assumed was either Carson or Bates.

     "That's how they see us though, Ted. And it is so irritating!"

     "Hear hear," Everett said, pointing to Abi.

      "You are so underappreciated in that place and I'm sick of it," Abi said, still looking at Theodore. "Do they even understand how much work you've done for them?"

      Teddy hesitated, humming in thought. Percy spoke up before he could think of a reply.

     "You'll find the bear, Ted. I know you will. And when you do, let us know who it is, so that we can give them hell for taking it in the first place."

      "I like the sound of that," Everett said, punching his fist into his hand. 

      "I'll keep you all updated, but I'm not sure confronting the person is the best idea."

     "I get why you're saying that, Teddy," Abi said, placing a hand on his knee. He looked at her, smiling despite knowing that she had more to say, "but aren't you sick of people not showing you the respect that you deserve?"

     "Alright then," Teddy replied, to her, then looked between all three of his friends. "Once I have more information, I'll let you all know."

     The group had stayed together for a little while longer before Abi had to get home to meet her curfew. She stood, saying goodbye to all of the boys before looking at Teddy. 

     "Remember Teddy, you're worth more than you think." 

     "Thank you, Abi," he said, giving her quick hug. She returned it and, as they parted, he spoke again. "Stay safe on your way home."

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