The First Debate

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     Theodore and Abigail walked side-by-side, following Mr. Farrington, with Charlie and Noah walking behind them. 

     They'd been meeting at least twice a week for the past three weeks, leading up to this moment where the Downton school team would be facing another school's debate team. On their territory, nonetheless.

     As Theodore and Abigail walked up onto the small stage, he took his seat on their side, closer to the center than Abi. His eyes scanned the crowd, trying to find a familiar face. There were still people filing in, which made this even harder. Eyes moving to the back, Teddy's eyes landed on Percy, who stood against the wall. Mr. Wilson stood next to him, although the man was seeming in discussion with his wife, who sat in the row in front of them.

     Teddy turned to Abigail, who was looking quite professional in her three-piece suit, with the matching jacket and skirt. Her legs crossed at the ankle, she rested her notes on her lap, sorting through them. The foot not planted on the ground bounced as she read over what she had written.

     "We've got this," he said to her quietly, hoping to reassure her.

     "Teddy, the boys we're against are seventeen."

     "Good," he replied. "Let them underestimate us."

     Abi bit her lip, shaking her head.

     "What if they win though? What if we utterly fail? I mean-" Abi sighed heavily, eyes still on her papers. "Papa is watching this."

     Teddy very suddenly felt like he was going to vomit. His eyes scanned the crowd, then he turned back to Abi.

     "I'm just running to the loo. I'll be back." He stood, placing his own notes on the chair, then rushed out of the room. 

     Was it normal to have this tightness in your chest? He could barely breathe. Placing a hand at his sternum, Teddy found a door and pushed it open. 

     It had led him into a classroom. Teddy walked over to a desk, placing his hands on it so that he could lean against it and catch his breath. He couldn't grasp what had suddenly changed, but he knew that he felt sick and panicky and-

     "Theodorus?" Teddy couldn't look up. He squeezed his eyes shut instead. "Neddy? Tedw-"

     "Jimmy, now is not the time to pester him with ridiculous names." Theodore felt a gentle hand be placed on his back. "Teddy? Are you alright?"

     Opening his eyes, Teddy glanced to the side to see a light pink dress. Moving his gaze upwards, his eyes met Rose's. Jimmy stood behind her, looking at Teddy with a slight frown on his face.

     "What are you two doing here?"

     "We came to see your debate," Jimmy answered, walking over to stand across the desk from Teddy. He placed his forearms on it, leaning on them as he continued. "Course, we can't see you debate if you're in here having a breakdown."

     Teddy shut his eyes again, his head dropping down so that his chin hit his chest. 

     "You're nervous?" Rose's voice was soft, much more cautious than Jimmy's had been. Teddy silently nodded. She hummed and removed her hand from his back as she spoke to Jimmy.

     "Well, I know what helps me when I'm nervous-"

     At the sound of Jimmy rummaging through his pockets, Teddy looked up again. 

     The footman pulled a cigarette box out of his grey suit pocket, then removed one and held it out for Teddy to take.

     "We won't force you to, but it's here if you-" Teddy reached out and took it. He would take anything that would stop him from feeling like this. Besides, it wasn't like Thomas could judge him for this later. So, Jimmy pulled out a lighter, lighting the cigarette for Teddy.

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