Spirits, Bates, and Servant's Ball

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     Christmas at Downton had come again, many spending it in high spirits now that the war was over. Teddy had gotten small gifts for each of his friends, and they had done the same in return. They had exchanged on Christmas Eve, saving the day after to spend with their families. 

    "Oh, Teddy! It's wonderful!" Abi said, making Teddy smile. He had found a set of coloured pencils that were within the budget of his pocket change, and had decided that Abi seemed to be in need of some new ones. He knew it was possible that her parents had gotten her some too, but he figured that she couldn't have too many. 

    Everett and Percy both happily held their gifts from him as well. He had gotten Percy a few new handkerchiefs, knowing he was very much in need of new ones, and for Everett he had gotten many of the boy's favourite candies, knowing that Everett could never have too many.

     He'd received gifts from his friends as well, of course. A wonderful journal from Abi, a novel from Everett, and a handful of peppermint sticks for Percy. All together, it had been a very successful day. 

      "When will we meet up again?" Everett asked, knowing that they all got busy during the holidays. 

     "Perhaps right after New Years?" Abi suggested. "How about the eleventh? Everything should be calmer by then." After the rest of the group had agreed, they all split up and headed home, ready for the excitement of the holidays ahead of them. 

     Christmas Day had been a great success as well. Thomas had gotten Teddy a new cap, as his old one was getting too small for his head, an orange - as many children liked to receive, and a new book. Teddy was quite excited to see that it was, in fact, a medical book, full of different symptoms and procedures. Thomas had, naturally, gone for one of the less intense ones, this boy was only eleven after all, but he couldn't help remembering how much Teddy had enjoyed reading the one he had found. 

     Anna had been very kind and had made him a matching hat and mittens to wear as the winter dragged on. He had thanked her greatly, and highly appreciated the work that had gone into making them. 

     The family had also been kinder than necessary. Every year, they got small gifts for each of their staff members, and Teddy felt very lucky to be included in this as well. They'd given him his own Webster Dictionary, brand new, and he couldn't be happier. Lady Sybil must have said something for them to have the idea. 

    "What is it?" Teddy asked, looking at the board in front of his father. It was covered in letters, and looked nothing like anything he'd ever seen.

     "We're talking to the dead," He replied with a side-glance towards his son. Standing beside Teddy, Daisy spoke up.

     "But how? They can't talk back."

     "They can." Said Lady Rosamund's maid. She was here while Lady Rosamund Painswick, Lord Grantham's sister, was visiting. "That's the whole point."

     "Come on Daisy." Thomas nodded to the side. Teddy took a step back, not sure he wanted to be part of this.

     "No. I don't think it's right." Thankful that someone agreed with him, Teddy moved back to Daisy's side, this time on the side farther away from the board.

     "If you'll all be quiet, I'll try again," O'Brien said. Teddy wasn't sure he wanted her to, but he knew better than to say so. "Is there anyone there?"

     Teddy had to admit, he wasn't sure just outright asking was going to work. But, just as he was about to say so, the wood piece on top of the board began to move, the four hands on it, Thomas, O'Brien, and two maids, moving with it.

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